尼諾的異世界物語/Nino Isekai
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尼諾的異世界物語的中英文攻略/Game Guides of Nino Isekai

尼語的異世界物語是甚麼遊戲?What is Nino Isekai?

於傳統 JRPG 的基礎上加入 RogueLike 和卡片戰鬥的玩法,並拿走 JRPG 的角色屬性數值、農等級、收集素材等作業感重的系統設計。取而代之,加入天賦系統考驗玩家的決策能力和管理資源技巧。《尼諾》歡迎所有小時侯熱愛 JRPG,長大後已經沒心機農農農的玩家,藉著本作重拾對 JRPG 的喜愛。

Nino’s Isekai is an RPG game based on the traditional JRPG combined with roguelike RPG and card game elements. In this game, the character traditional RPG stat system is replaced by a talent system. Nino is able to procure talents from a random predetermined pool, which tests the player’s decision-making ability and resource management skills. Nino welcomes all fans of roguelike RPG and JRPG fans. We also hope that Nino will help players who got tired of the farming element in RPG games regain their love for the genre.

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基本資料 / Info

名稱 / Title 尼諾的異世界物語 / Nino Isekai
發售日 / release date2019/10/15
類型JRPG , Rogue
開發團隊 / Development Team火柱工作室 / Firepillar2
售價 / price完全免費 / Totally free
Steam頁面 / Steam page

《尼諾》以 Capcom《dead rising 2 死亡復甦2 》、 GUST《ロロナのアトリエ 蘿樂娜的鍊金工房》 和Mega Crit 《slay the spire 殺戮尖塔》 這三款遊戲為基礎製作。創作團隊希望玩家如果喜歡《尼諾》,也請試試這三款經典名作。

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