
「Gold Rush: Frozen Adventures(iOS)」のアプリ紹介とポイ活・攻略Wikiの情報


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Gold Rush: Frozen Adventures

Gold Rush: Frozen Adventures
  • iOS
  • Android
    • カテゴリー
    • RPG(ロールプレイング)ADV(アドベンチャー)

「Gold Rush: Frozen Adventures」を



There’s gold in them hills! Join in on this thrilling gold rush adventure as you build bustling settlements, stake your claim on land, and mine for gold deep in the treacherous mountains. Face the harsh realities of survival as you brave freezing winter temperatures and scarce resources, all while trying to strike it rich and earn enough money to save your sick father.
It’s a race against time and nature, but fortune favors the brave. So what are you waiting for, partner? Grab your snow shovel, and let’s start mining for gold! The adventure of a lifetime awaits!


Your adventure begins in the dead of winter during a whiteout, so you’ll need to focus on clearing snow from the settlement and mine after they were hit by an avalanche in order to ensure your survival before you can even begin to think of earning money. Once you’ve gotten things in the town under control, you can move on to the mines where you’ll pan for gold to send back home to your family. Enjoy exploring and while also earning resources in this frozen idle adventure game where there’s always something new to do, be it build a town, thaw survivors, or explore all the fun locations!

- Snowy settlements – Following an avalanche and a whiteout, the town is completely snowed under! Use your trusty snowplow to clear it and uncover a wealth of resources underneath, including a few frozen friends…

- Frozen survivors – thaw them out by the fire and soon you’ll have helpers in your quest to get the settlement up and running again. Your new friends will be happy to stay back and work idly on tasks for you, increasing the town’s production rate and keeping you all fueled while you’re off on adventure.

- Great resources and buildings – it’s survival of the fittest out there, so collect all manner of resources from under the snow and in the mines that can be either used as they are or combined to make something special! Build structures and improve on other items, all with what you can find under the snow.

- Harvesting – If you want to mine gold, you’re going to need energy! Uncover crop land and plant seeds to both feed your growing town and earn you coins.

- Expeditions – your survival depends on your ability to keep finding resources, so once you have your base up and running, start pushing North in search of more gold, resources, and adventure. Remember, the more you can find and mine, the more you can send back home to your family to help your father!


Set out on the adventure of a lifetime to earn money to pay for your father’s treatment, and along the way uncover frozen friends, rebuild towns, mine gold, and so much more. With lots of great locations to uncover and resources to collect and use there’s always something happening in this frozen adventure!

If you’re looking for a fun idle survival game that is chock full of hours of fun, Gold Rush: Frozen Adventures is the game for you so download it today to get to playing!

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「Gold Rush: Frozen Adventures」ポイ活の情報

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「Gold Rush: Frozen Adventures」の攻略Wiki

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