【不具合】Mirror Hero Troop Combat Buff
Hello, We recently discovered that the new Mirror Heroes were not doing the expected result in combat. A buff has been applied to enhance their performance. “Mirror Hero Noctis” is still being further enhanced. We are working to resolve this as soon as possible and will release an updated buff for him soon! We will also look into buffing Mirror Hero Astral combat boosts as merited. Thank you for your understanding!
「Mirror Hero Noctis」はまださらに強化されています。我々はできるだけ早くこれを解決するために働いていて、すぐに彼のために更新されたバフをリリースするでしょう!また、バフ研磨ミラーヒーローアストラル戦闘ブーストについても説明します。ご理解いただきありがとうございます。