Devil May Cry 5 Walkthrough and Guide: DMC 5

Devil May Cry 5 - Rank Acquisition Method

最終更新日時 :
作成者: keywork denizen
最終更新者: keywork denizen

Rank Acquisition – How to earn S Rank

Getting a high rank in Devil May Cry is essential, as doing so gives you Red Orbs. These orbs can then be used to upgrade your character, weapons, and skills. Red Orbs can also be used to revive yourself when overwhelmed by opponents.

You get more Red Orbs as you get a high rank after you beat a stage, and it is always a good plan to at least gain an S rank. Here are some basic guidelines in order to obtain an S rank:

S Rank Acquisition Condition

RequirementStylish point average of 5500 or more

Avoid Getting Hit

In order to achieve a high stylish rank, it is imperative to avoid being hit by enemies. Your combos are cut off when you get hit or damaged, so it is best to master dodging enemy attacks in between attacks.

Mastering Your Weapons and Using Combos

Devil May Cry 5 rewards you for using various weapons to defeat your enemies. As such, it is wise to get accustomed to each of your weapons’ attack patterns so that you can easily switch between them while cutting down opponents. The longer your combo, the higher your rank will be. This gives you additional Stylish points and gets you closer to at least an S rank.

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