Devil May Cry 5 - Mission 18 Walkthrough
Mission 18 Walkthrough for Devil May Cry 5 (DMC 5.) Included are strategies, Secret Missions, and Blue Orb locations.
Mission 18 Walkthrough
Versus Griffon
- Proceed down the path for a cutscene. You will then begin a battle with Griffon.
Griffon Boss Guide
Griffon will fall to the ground after taking some damage. Get close and activate Devil Trigger to quickly deplete his HP. After knocking him down a third time (about 1/4 of the boss' HP,) a cutscene will play and the battle will end.
Versus Shadow
- Go along the road and proceed inside the demon artery.
Proceed down the square road and you will encounter a Blood Pool. Destroying it will enlarge the area used for the boss battle at the end of the mission and will prevent Nightmare from one cycle of HP recovery when you battle him. - Proceed to the square and battle Shadow.
Shadow Boss Guide
▲Avoid Shadow's attacks with Trickster
Shadow's attacks by approaching and slashing, so you will need to be careful. Create some distance from it with the Trickster's Style Action (○ button) to avoid its three-bullet attack. Shadow's attack pattern changes after you knock it down the first time, but you can still avoid most of its attacks with Trickster. The battle will end when you take out 3/4 of Shadow's HP.
Versus Griffon and Shadow
- Go along the road. Destroy the Blood Pool there.
Obtaining the Blue Orb Fragment
There will be several Red Empusas at the top, so try to defeat them all. You can get the Blue Orb Fragment by defeating all of them.
- Proceed along the road and climb up further. Destroy the Blood Pool.
- The battle against Shadow and Griffon will continue when you enter the square. Griffon will enter the battle later on in the fight.
Griffon and Shadow Boss Guide
Your strategy should be the same as in the last two battles. If you ignore Griffon and take out 3/4 of Shadow's HP, the battle will end.
Boss: Nightmare
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