Ghost Exorcusm Inc. 日本語wiki


最終更新日時 :

[Public] "Multi-Entity" Update - 02/20/2023



  1. New game mode: Multi-Entity! Up to two entities (for now). The "Quick" variant is unlocked at level 65, and the "Full" variant is unlocked at level 100. Some details to mention; You can never have 2 of the same entity in one contract. When one entity is exorcised, the second entity becomes much more aggressive. MEL and Environment Scanner advised.
    新しいゲームモード。マルチエンティティの登場です 最大2エンティティまで(今のところ)。「簡易」はレベル75で、「完全」はレベル100でアンロックされる。1つの契約で同じエンティティが2体出現することはできません。また、1体を除霊した場合、2体目はより攻撃的になる。MELと環境スキャナーの使用をお勧めします。
  2. New equipment: The Environment Scanner! This device can detect Orbs, Surface Writing/Drawing, Book Writing/Drawing, Pentagrams, Infestations, and Totems. The Environment Scanner can also detect who is the owner of each. Thie piece of equipment is critical for the new Multi-Entity contracts.
    新機材を導入しました。環境スキャナ! この装置では、オーブ、表面書き込み/描画、本書き込み/描画、ペンタグラム、インフェステーション、トーテムを検出できます。また、それぞれの持ち主を特定することもできます。この装置は、新しいマルチエンティティ契約には欠かせないものです。
  3. New map: The Abandoned Farm (USA). A medium sized home-type map.
  4. Exorcist - Full now has a chance to have two entities in the contract.
    エクソシスト - 完全契約では、契約時に2つのエンティティを持つことができるようになりました。
  5. We've added an "Unstuck" button (in the tablet, Bug Report app). We've added this so that we can continue to investigate how we can improve player physics, while preventing players from finding themselves permanently stuck in a contract. By default, the first use of the Unstuck button requires a 5 second wait, but further use of the button will require the player to wait 30 more seconds for each additional use. We've added this time limitation to prevent players from abusing this mechanic.
  6. Updated format for contract selection, and contract preview.
  7. Updated format for contract pages in the Encyclopedia.
  8. Added Entity icons to the text in Encyclopedia summary.
  9. Added Entity icons to the tab titles in the Ghostpedia.
  10. The MEL was removed from the Tutorial, as it is only available for seasoned (high level) players.
  11. We've adjusted the reward for collecting cursed items on Hard contracts, as well as Multi-Entity contracts. The reward per cursed object on both game modes will be slightly nerfed (both xp and $$).
  12. "I'm Scared" wall writing was changed/updated.
    "I'm Scared "の壁文字を変更/更新しました。


  1. We have finally corrected the bug which would make the Neutrino-Gun, Modified Shotgun, Revival Kit (and other items) not work for some players. This was related to an "item dragging" bug.
  2. We have finally found and fixed the reason for the "blinking" or "flashing light" bug. This was related to an error in post-processing.
  3. When a player is dragged by an entity, and the entity gets interupted (or damaged) - the player will now be teleported to the nearest open location. This is to avoid problems of players getting dragged and stuck.
  4. Fixed a bug which could cause too many notches to appear in the Ghostpedia entity slider, after a level up.
  5. Corrections have been applied to the Custom Exorcism app (some special characters were allowed, while they should not have been, and vice-versa).
  6. Clown Balloons should now correctly detect walls and ceilings, and should no longer injure players through them.
  7. (All Maps) We have implemented fixes to numerous cockroach spawns. They should be much easier to shoot with the Neutrino-Gun now.
    (全マップ) ゴキブリのスポーンについて修正を実施しました。ニュートリノガンで撃ちやすくなったはずです。
  8. (Several Maps) Many fixes applied to glass panes/windows.
    (いくつかのマップ) ガラス窓/ウィンドウに適用される多くの修正。
  9. (Bamboo Temple) We've corrected a very small invisible wall that could cause players to become stuck, on the main pathway, near the bell.


  1. We have updated all languages to support the new additions.
  2. Russian (Thanks Oliver A.!)
    ロシア語(Oliver A. 氏に感謝!)
  3. Japanese (Thank you アルヴィト!)
  4. Czech Updated (Thanks TheCoolestDuck)

[Public] Hotfixes - 01/31/2023



  1. We've attempted a hotfix to address a few system configurations that are experiencing light flickering while moving around. If this problem exists for you, please try lowering your in-game brightness setting to "0" (Middle), or lowering your quality settings in the Graphics options. We are continuing to investigate this problem.
  2. We've updated the version of Unity that we use, in order to further attempt to resolve some of the bugs that are being reported.
  3. We've fixed a collision problem with the "Flies" evidence.
    エビデンス "ハエ "のコリジョンの不具合を修正しました。

[Public] Update and Bug fixes - 01/25/2023



  1. In addition to firing the Modified Shotgun at Clown balloons, players can now also pop these balloons by throwing objects at them!
  2. Players can now customize their own Exorcism Book recitals from in-game! In the Hub "testing" area, head to the Exorcism Book pedestal room, and click the book found on the new desk!~~ゲーム内から、プレイヤー自身が「悪魔祓いの本」の朗読をカスタマイズすることができるようになりました! ハブ「テスト場」エリアで、「悪魔祓いの本」の台座の部屋に向かい、新しい机の上にある本をクリックしてください!
  3. The Occult Meter will no longer detect Totems (turn red) if the totem is on a different floor. Note: The Occult Meter will still be able to detect totems through walls, but not ceilings or floors anymore.


  1. Thanks to player feedback/reports, we have corrected a bug which caused the Dread Origin to almost always be in the same spot on Pianist Manor.
  2. We have found and corrected a problem which caused equipment/objects held by players who lost connection to the host to be stuck floating in the air. Equipment/objects should no longer become unusable if the connection to the host was lost.
  3. We have found and corrected another potential problem with player save files. Please do not hesitate to let us know with a bug report if you have any further problems with the Steam Cloud saving feature!
  4. We have found and fixed major issues regarding the player-to-player communications. Previously, there was a rare bug which could cause one player's voice to appear to come from a totally different player model/character. This also caused a random chance for player-to-player voice chat to be broken, or disconnected without reason. If players find that there are strange player-to-player communication problems, please try creating a fresh new lobby, then trying again. If players continue experiencing problems, do not hesitate to send us a bug report!
  5. We have removed the collider from objects that are being held in-hand ONLY while the player is holding/moving a door. This will allow doors to open/close even if it is colliding with the Neutrino-Gun, or the Shotgun, etc.
  6. We have made another significant update to player physics. Players should not notice the changes at all, however, this update should greatly reduce the chances of players falling through objects, getting stuck in objects, or being pushed through objects/walls. If anyone notices unusual behavior with player movement, or player physics, we strongly urge you to submit bug reports as soon as possible!
  7. Along with the update to the player physics - we have also implemented a potential fix for "unconscious bodies" falling through the floor. Please do not hesitate to send us bug reports if you have any problems finding your fallen teammates!
  8. We have implemented an update for failed revivals. This is not a final fix, but this will help us find the problem much more easily. It is extremely important that if you have a problem REVIVING a downed (player) teammate, submit a bug report as soon as possible (even while you are in contract, if you want).
  9. Fixed a HUD icon problem which caused some players to experience FPS drops if they had the HUD icons enabled. (a minor memory leak).
  10. We have made a large correction to the visible text, at the Hub (on the board). Players should no longer have a "border" form around their star icons, if they back away from the Hub board.
    拠点(ボード上)で表示されるテキストを大幅に修正しました。ハブボードから離れると、スターアイコンの周りに "ボーダー "ができるようになりました。
  11. We have corrected the "Unlockables/Progression" section of the Encyclopedia. A few things were not showing the correct required levels to unlock.
  12. We have found and fixed a graphical error, which sometimes caused the ceiling lights in the Hub to flicker when the player moved.
  13. We have fixed a problem which prevented players from respawning correctly, if they managed to fall out (or force themselves out) of bounds. Looking at you, Joshua >.>
    境界線から落ちてしまった場合、正しくリスポーンできない不具合を修正しました。あなたを見ている、ジョシュア >.>
  14. We have corrected a wall which had no collider on Kindergarten.


  1. The following translations have been updated:
  2. Portuguese (thanks to Marcielcps)
  3. Russian (thanks to Oliver Aftron)
    ロシア語(Oliver Aftron氏に感謝)
  4. Japanese (thanks to アルヴィト)
  5. Italian Vocal (thanks to Drake)
  6. Spanish (thanks to Pompo)
  7. Czech (vocal and language) (thanks to TheCoolestDuck)
  8. English translation of the game. Just a typo!

[Public] Update & Bug fixes - 12/13/2022



  1. We've added a small new screen in the rear of the vehicle. This will display information about your equipment, and when/if it is required that you collect your equipment before leaving a contract.
  2. We've made some FPS optimizations to the Lost House, Bamboo Temple, Kindergarten, and Family Home. We plan to continue optimizing all of the maps for better performance.
  3. We've updated the tutorial description for doors/door barriers. The new description reads: "Doors are an extremely common and useful tool at your disposal. Standing in place and holding a door closed will block an entity from passing through for a brief time. Closing a door and leaving it unattended will block an entity for a much shorter period of time. Doors are only temporary- they can, and will be destroyed by an attacking entity."


  1. We have found and fixed crashes associated with the Ghostpedia/Tablet. Please let us know if anyone continues to have crashing problems when using the tablet!
  2. The Host's lobby-code should now be automatically given to another player if the Hosts disconnects from, or leaves a lobby. (Host status will now correctly transfer from player to player when necessary).
  3. We've implemented a solution for sudden FPS drops at the Lost House. Please let us know if this has helped, or if you notice any strange behavior!
  4. We've applied some corrections to dolls to prevent them from pushing players through objects/walls.
  5. (Circus) We've fixed a problem which allowed players to walk directly through certain parts of the large tent.
  6. (Circus) We've corrected the light coming from the small tents lightbulbs.


  1. We have corrected Russian vocal - it should now work correctly!
    ロシア語のボーカルを修正しました - これで正しく動作するはずです。

[Public] Steam Achievements - Update & Bugfix - 11/21/2022



  1. New Map: Circus "D'Hell Arte" -- A traveling circus, now abandoned in the middle of nowhere. After several urban exploration groups experienced paranormal events, the worst of which causing teenagers to go missing, it was decided to cordon off the area in order to allow our teams to intervene.
    新しい地図。サーカス "ディヘル・アルテ"・・・人里離れた場所に放置されていた巡回サーカス。いくつかの都市探索グループが超常現象を体験し、その中でもティーンエイジャーが行方不明になったことから、我々のチームが介入するために、この地域を封鎖することになった。
  2. New Entity Type: Clown -- Be cautious of potentially dangerous balloons. This entity seems to prefer audio interaction. Do not hesitate to bring your spirit-box to assist in detecting anomalies.
    新しいエンティティ。クラウン -- 危険な風船に注意してください。このエンティティは、音声による対話を好むようだ。異変を察知するために、遠慮なくスピリットボックスを持参してください。
  3. Steam Achievements are here! This first batch of Steam Achievements contains 61 achievements. We have plans to continue adding achievements in the future as well!
    Steam実績が登場! このSteam実績の最初のバッチには61の実績が含まれています。今後も実績を追加していく予定です。
  4. We have improved the animation of entities hitting doors.
  5. We've added a "Moths" page to the Encyclopedia (non-evidence category).
  6. Updated several pieces of information in the Encyclopedia, and combined the "Visible" and "Audible" icons, where necessary.
  7. We've added (and alternated) a few wooden-door sound effects.
  8. We have made under-the-hood improvements to general player movement (interpolation).


  1. Thanks to player feedback, we have found one major cause of floating/stuck equipment, and have implement some securities to try to resolve this. Let us know if you have any more floating or stuck equipment!
  2. We have fixed a problem which caused entities to appear to lag while they walked around, to non-host (client) players.
  3. We have fixed a bug which would cause doors, when broken by an entity, to sometimes "blast off" the hinges. The number of door-related-fatalities should go down, now! Please do not hesitate to let us know if you find any more rocket-propelled doors!
  4. We have corrected a bug which caused a small "/10" text to display on the player's left hand.
  5. (Tutorial) We have fixed some of the surface writing, which is found in the tutorial.
  6. (All Maps) We have found and fixed errors which sometimes caused broken doors to not be effected by physics.
  7. (All Maps) We have fixed the "dark/grey/black" ground texture which plagued several areas in many maps. Most noteworthy being "Fort Samael". The ground should no longer have deep grey void-blobs!
    (全マップ) 多くのマップのいくつかのエリアで悩まされていた「暗い/灰色/黒」の地面テクスチャを修正しました。特に顕著なのは「サマエル砦」です。地面にはもう深い灰色の空洞がないはずです。
  8. (Pianist Manor) We have corrected the fireplace light. It will no longer bleed through the wall it is touching!
  9. (Lost House) We have corrected another bug which could cause objects/items to fall through various surfaces and objects.
  10. (Lost House) We have implenented fixes which should help with players getting stuck in the ceiling while going down the stairs. (Yes, this really happened to some players, I know, it's insane).
    (廃屋) 階段を下りている時に天井に引っかかってしまうプレイヤーを助けるための修正を実装しました。(これは本当に何人かのプレイヤーに起こったことです。)
  11. (Bamboo Temple) We have fixed a problem which caused entities to become stuck in several locations. Many important upgrades were made to pathfinding.
  12. (Cemetery) Thanks to player feedback, we have found and fixed a writing/drawing (on a gravestone) which was not being registered by the Photo Camera correctly. We've also taken the time to make sure several other writing/drawing on gravestones are more visible.
    (墓地) プレイヤーの皆様からのフィードバックにより、写真カメラに正しく登録されていなかった(墓石に描かれた)文字を発見し、修正しました。また、墓石に描かれている他の文字や絵も、より見やすくなるように修正しました。


  1. Romanian translation has been added.
  2. Thanks to all of the contributors, the following languages have been updated:
  3. Simplified Chinese, Czech, Dutch, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish

[Public] Halloween Update + SlowLoad/Crash - 10/25/2022

2022/10/25 (Changes/Fixes)
  • We are putting on the public branch what we put last week on the public-test branch with some changes and bugfixes.



  1. We are testing and have implemented new protocols that should reduce load times when launching the game.
  2. Wall Writing/Drawing will be changed slightly to a new system, which should help players performance.


General Gameplay

  1. We've fixed a problem which prevented players from getting rewarded for photos of flies/cockroach infestations.

[Public Test] Halloween Update & Bug Fix - 10/21/2022

2022/10/21 (New/Changes/Fixes)


Localization & Voice

  1. Updated font size while using Latin alphabet in the Korean Exorcism Book.
  2. Added Dutch (Thanks to Joshua).
  3. Added Italian (Some translations were done via Google Translate).
  4. Updated Russian, Czech, Spanish, Chinese, German, Japanese, Korean.
  5. Updated several 3D fonts, as well as some fallback fonts.

Maps & Generation

  1. Surface writing/drawing will now always emit a quiet paranormal sound effect when a player is near one.

Ghost AI & Behavior

  1. We've added a new category of evidence! Infestations can now appear in contracts, as an evidence type.
    新しい証拠品カテゴリーが追加されました 契約書にエビデンスタイプとして、虫の発生が表示されるようになりました。

User Interface

  1. We've added a "Timeout" warning, and "Reconnect" button in the multiplayer app. This is used when you are disconnected from the network, but wish to re-connect, so that you may play with friends/teammates.
  2. We have added "Evidence & Exorcism Info" and "Non-Evidence" as categories that can be found in the Encyclopedia app.
  3. Due to player feedback, we've added the text "Locked" on the map icons which were not yet purchased/unlocked (in the Ghost Market, Locations tab)


  1. Players who have completed the Tutorial will retroactively be given 3 Revival Kits. Players who complete the tutorial for the first time will also be granted 3 Revival Kits upon completion. To receive your free 3 Revival Kits (if you have done the tutorial before), please enter and exit any free random contract.
  2. Due to player feedback, players who reach level 30 will now unlock Revival Kits. This is in addition to unlocking them via the Tutorial. In summary, players who reach level 30 OR finish the tutorial will unlock the Revival Kit now.
  3. The tripod spotlight will now have a slightly wider cone of light.


  1. The hub has been given a more festive appearance for the Halloween season!

Graphics & Performance

  1. We've implemented Part 1 of our multi-part patch to reduce long loading times (and crashes) for certain hardware configurations which may be struggling with the new update/overhaul.



  1. We've fixed the Neutrino-Gun in the Tutorial. Previously, it was possible to fire at the dummy in front of you, and hit a completely different dummy.

Ghost AI & Behavior

  1. We've found and fixed a problem with a Fallen entity model, as well as a Revenant entity model, which could cause the Neutrino-Gun, or Shotgun to not correctly hit the entity.

User Interface

  1. We fixed a display bug that prevented some players from seeing a map correctly displayed when they clicked "Buy" in the Ghost Market.

Maps & Generation

  1. We have fixed a bug that caused the board in the rear of the vehicle to not update correctly when starting the tutorial.
  2. We have corrected a "black hole" bathroom sink, in the Family Home. It should no longer consume items.
  3. We have adjusted the "curvy bricks" that lead to the entry of Fort Samael.
  4. We have fixed a bug which could cause players bodies to fall though the center temple after they fall unconscious, on the Bamboo Temple map.
  5. We've fixed the multi-dimensional closet in the Family Home. If you know, you know.
  6. Due to player feedback, we've fixed a rendering problem out back of the Camp's central building.

Multiplayer & Network

  1. We have found and fixed a bug which could cause severe contract data corruption in multiplayer. When this bug was present, there was a chance that all players in the lobby could have entirely different seeds for a mission/contract. This could cause a massive range of problems.

General Gameplay

  1. A BIG bug with the randomizer (free contract randomization) was found, and was correct. Thank you to Josh H. Free contracts should be MUCH more randomized now.
    ランダマイザー(自由契約のランダム化)に関する大きなバグが見つかり、修正されました。Josh H.氏に感謝します。無料契約のランダム化が大幅に改善されました。

[Public] "D.I.E Re-Awakening" Major Update - 09/23/2022

2022/09/23 (New/Changes/Fixes)


Because the file structure has completely changed, we strongly suggest users completely re-install their game using the instructions below. If you have played in the last 8 months (or played the beta/test), this re-installation will not destroy your save file, however, if the last time you have played was longer than 8 months ago, there is a high risk that your save file will be reset by reinstalling the game.

  • Uninstall the game from Steam.
  • Delete the "Ghost Exorcism Inc" folder from: Steam\steamapps\common
    Ghost Exorcism Inc" フォルダを Steamsteamappscommon から削除。
  • If there is a "Ghost Hunters Corp" folder, delete that.
    Ghost Hunters Corpフォルダがある場合は、削除してください。
  • Open Steam > Settings > Downloads > Clear Download Cache.
  • Re-install the game.



Localization & Voice

  1. You are welcome to help us translate the game by visiting our Google Sheets link, and following the instructions:
    Google Sheetsのリンクにアクセスし、 の指示に従って、ゲームの翻訳を手伝っていただけると幸いです。

Core Changes/Additions to Gameplay Mechanics

  1. The Crucifix and the Mary statue no longer completely stop entities in their tracks. They will instead be heavily slowed when near these pieces of equipment. The Mary Statue still only works while it is on the ground, and the Crucifix can still work from both the ground, and while held.
  2. Speaking to the entity to gather evidence such as Book Writing/Book Drawing, Spirit-Box, Voice-On-Site, and reciting the Exorcism Book now must all be done while standing in the Orbs of the Dread Origin, or while very close to the entity.
  3. Entity attacks now function differently. Previously, entities would attack you- and if they got close enough, they would cause a "wavy screen" effect until it eventually killed you. With the new update, an entities attack is signified by a "horror drone" sound effect. The entity will chase you, and when it catches you, it will immediately cause an injury to you, or worse.
  4. Players can now be harmed via injuries, or via heart attacks. If a player is harmed by a heart attack, they will notice a flash of grey on their screen before they fall over unconscious.

Core Changes/Additions to Systems

  1. There is now a multiplayer lobby list system (in addition to the previous code-based system). Players can now select a regional server, and look for public lobbies in that region.
  2. The in-game Bug Report app, as well as the Suggestions are now fully implemented. Players are welcome to submit bug reports or suggestions from in-game, with very little effort. The Bug Report app is in the tablet homepage, and the Suggestions can be found in the Game Info app.
  3. There is now a spawn-limit for equipment. Players can see how many pieces of equipment are currently spawned VS how many are allowed to be spawned by simply looking at the computer in the vehicle, and selecting a piece of equipment. This spawn limit is NOT for balancing purposes, but instead, is for security purposes for public lobbies.
  4. There are now player-statistics! The statistics are available in the Statistics app, or can be seen on the main board in the Hub, before selecting a contract.
    プレイヤー統計が追加されました 統計情報は統計アプリで確認できるほか、契約を選択する前にハブのメインボードで確認することができます。

Other Additions

  1. Dolls :)
    ドール :)

Ghost AI, Behavior and Appearance

  1. New entity type: Memory. A "mostly" harmless entity that can be tricky to spot and track.
  2. The Shadow entity has been overhauled. Shadows are now literally just that... a shadow! They are invisible to players and cameras, unless exposed to direct light (or flashlight). They are an entirely invisible entity, but when illuminated, still casts a shadow.
  3. One of the previous "Fallen" models are now used as a Demon model. This was done to make room for more entity models in the future.
  4. A large amount of new entity interactions have been added. TV interactions, new light interactions, new floating object interactions (and more).
  5. There are now more interactions an entity can have on a player. Some of these interactions include "Push" and "Disarm".

User Interface

  1. In multiplayer, players can now adjust the volume of their teammates microphones in the "My Team" tab.
  2. Players who are the Host of a lobby can kick other players out of the lobby.
  3. There is an all-new Encyclopedia app, which contains extremely useful information for players. If you want to learn how to identify an entity, or want more specific details about equipment, this is the app for you!
  4. Maps are now purchasable from inside of the Encyclopedia app, as well as from the Ghost Market.


  1. New Equipment: Revival Kits (that can be used on downed teammates to revive them). Players who are playing multiplayer can be revived a maximum of 1 time per contract. No more than 3 total Revival Kits can be used in any given contract.
  2. New Equipment: Refreshing Beverage. The Refreshing Beverage can be consumed to heal injuries, or lower the players heart rate.
  3. The Salt Shotgun is now the Modified Shotgun - it can now fire both Tiger Eye projectiles, as well as Salt projectiles.
  4. The Neutrino-Gun now has a camera mounted on the top of it. This can be used to see invisible objects/entities like any other camera.
  5. The Photo Camera can now detect, and display (in text) what it is looking at (entities, surface writing, totems, book drawing, etc)
  6. Both video cameras have been given upgrades in the form of information in the vehicle. If an entity is spotted by a camera (from the CCTV monitor in the vehicle), exorcism information will be displayed on the board next to the monitor.
  7. The Occult Meter now has a "Area" and "Multiple Signals" light. When the "Area" light is ON, this means that the cursed object (or Totem) is in the same room/area. When the "Multiple Signals" light is ON, this means that there are multiple cursed objects detected.
  8. Holy Water, Tiger Eye, and Salt capsules, if broken on the ground, will function as a permanent trap in that location (until they are stepped on by an entity). When the Tiger Eye or Salt trap is stepped on, it will turned dark grey. When the Holy Water is stepped on, the "wet floor" effect will vanish.


  1. We've added a full interactive tutorial mission/location! While playing solo, from the Hub you can begin the tutorial at any time.
    完全インタラクティブなチュートリアルミッション/ロケーションを追加しました! ソロプレイ中、ハブからいつでもチュートリアルを開始することができます。

Graphics & Performance

  1. Many adjustments were made to improve performance on most machines.
  2. We have completely overhauled the lighting, shadows, and rendering on all maps.
  3. We have added new graphics options (such as Depth of Field).
  4. We've added a Windowed Mode option, and a Borderless Fullscreen option.
  5. We now have a proper VSync option available in the game, and we strongly advise most people to use it, unless you are confident with your technical skills/computers.


The Important Ones

  1. The "mouse lag" or "frame skips" which caused the players view to suddenly jump around has been fixed.
  2. The "broken hands" bug should be entirely fixed.
  3. Broken doors (kickflipping doors) should be entirely fixed.
  4. Multiplayer desync problems should be mostly resolved, as we've changed to an entirely new multiplayer network system.

Other Resolved Bugs

  1. We've re-coded the entire game from the ground-up. Along this 6+ month process, we've found and fixed nearly 1,000 bugs. There are simply too many to note here.

2022/02/22 - [Main] Update and Bugs Fixes 02/22/2022




Localization & Voice

  1. Any non-translated text will appear in the game in English. Some text may be translated with Google Translate. If you wish to submit language corrections, or translations, please do so by visiting our translations page



  1. We've fixed another problem which made it very difficult for non-host players to get "Ghost" photos.

Ghost AI & Behavior

  1. We've fixed a problem which prevented the entity from "activating" (become active) unless the host has entered the haunted location.
  2. We've fixed a problem which caused the entity to "blink" even when viewed from photo or video cameras. Entities should now remain constantly visible when looking through a photo or video camera.

Maps & Generation

  1. (Lost House) We have fixed 3 light switches that stopped functioning (thank you for the reports!)
  2. We've fixed a problem which could cause Ghost Orbs to only be visible from certain angles.
コメント (パッチノート)
  • 総コメント数0
新着スレッド(Ghost Exorcusm Inc. 日本語wiki)