Devil May Cry 5 Walkthrough and Guide: DMC 5

Devil May Cry 5 - Mission 12 Walkthrough

最終更新日時 :
作成者: wolfknight
最終更新者: Green

Mission 12 Walkthrough for Devil May Cry 5 (DMC 5.) Included are strategies, Secret Missions, and Blue Orb locations.

Mission 12 Walkthrough

First Half:Dante's House

  1. Immediately after the mission starts, perform a shoulder break using Cavaliere, obtained in Mission 11 against the Hell Caina.
  2. Go to the front and destroy the wall.
  3. Defeat the Chaos and Riot.

    The Cavaliere's Style Action (○button) in Swordmaster Style can keep enemies launched in the air. Be careful, though, as you will not earn Stylish points this way.
  4. Head down the path that was cleared after the battle.
  5. Head to the square with the statue holding a sword.
  6. Obtain the Nidhogg Hatchling on the second floor.
  7. Open the door below.
    You can progress through the mission through either the upper or lower paths. It is easier to follow the path if you proceed through the lower door, which requires less time and effort.
  8. Battle the Empusa Queen.
  9. Climb the slope on the right.
  10. Destroy the first Blood Pool.

    You need to destroy three blood pools to fill the reservoir. Blood will accumulate in the four corners of the reservoir. The path under the statue will open when the reservoir is filled.
  11. Get out from behind the Blood Pool.
  12. Get the Purple Orb Fragment from the area on the right.
  13. Hurry and defeat the enemies in the area ahead of the path.

    Fury has high attack speed, regularly hitting and running away. Attacking it will knock it down. Avoid its attack pattern as you attack.
  14. Go deeper and defeat the tentacles.

Second Half:Dante's House

  1. Battle the Behemoth, Hell Antenora, and Hell Caina.
  2. Head down the left path.
  3. Destroy the second Blood Pool.
  4. Proceed to the back of the Blood Pool.
  5. Go to the far end.
  6. Battle the Chaos and Baphomet.
  7. Destroy the third Blood Pool.
  8. The statue with the sword will move and open the passage.
  9. Climb the stairs.

    You can reach the other side of the stairs if you use Trickster's Sky Star.
    ▶︎Secret Mission 9 Walkthrough?
  10. You will fight Urizen after reaching the collapsed house.
  11. The mission will end after you defeat the boss.


Urizen can be defeated easily by using Dante's Sin Devil Trigger. Prioritize charging your SDT gauge and transform into the powerful form. You can damage Urizen when he is open to fill the SDT gauge while dodging with Trickster.

Go to Mission 13

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