
【ObeyMe!NB】公式Reddit┃We are the Obey Me! Team! ask us anything!【おべない】

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スマホアプリゲーム【ObeyMe!Nightbringer(おべない)】の2023年4月6日に行われたReddit「AMA(We are the Obey Me! Team! ask us )」についての詳細ページです。


今回は2023年4月12日リリース予定の【ObeyMe!Nightbringer(おべない)】について「AMA(We are the Obey Me! Team! ask us anything!/私たちは、Obey Me!チームです!何でも聞いてください!)」と運営より同年4月6日の午前10時(JST)と17時(JST)に実施します、と告知。





▶Will the original Obey Me! game continue to receive new lessons while Nightbringer is being pumped out?
▶How much detail of the War will be given through the gameplay?
▶ナイトブリンガーが発売されている間、オリジナルの「Obey Me!」は新しいレッスンが受けられるのでしょうか?
▶The story after Lesson 80 will continue, however, new main story lessons will not be added to the original Obey Me!
▶You will get to learn about the war in the story!
▶Lesson80以降のストーリーは継続されますが、原作のObey Meに新たなメインストーリーのレッスンが追加されることはありません
▶Will the original obey me game still be updated and worked on when the nightbringer comes out?
▶ナイトブリンガーが発売されても、オリジナルのOBY MEゲームはアップデートされ続けるのでしょうか?
▶OG Obey Me! will continue to receive events but not lessons.
▶Obey Me!は、引き続きイベントは続きますが、レッスンは続きません。
▶Will there be anymore character songs in the future?
▶Is there any chance we will see Michael?
▶You will see his name come up more in the main story, but as for a design, etc., we will have to wait and see...
▶Will there ever be nendroids and figures as merchandise instead of the acrylic stands figures? Please I really hope so because I’m dying for them.
▶We are working on some very special things! For nendoroids, you may have to ask them about that (we would love to make them!).
▶Hi! Nice to talk with you! Do you think that with the new models of the boys, we will get to see them in different outfits?
▶Not in the initial release, but the new models will be receiving outfits in the future!
▶As the brothers will be newly fallen in Nightbringer’s storyline, will we see a darker side of the brothers acclimating to being demons?
▶You are right about them being fallen angels, however, as they were just recently angels, their personalities are actually closer to how they were in the Celestial Realm.
▶Am I correct in assuming that the main character of ObeyMeNightbringer is the same person as the MC (i.e. us international students) who has been the main character of the previous ObeyMe apps?
▶Will the interval between events in the current application and the new application be the same? We feel that the schedule is overcrowded even at this point, so we would appreciate it if you could give us more leeway in development.
▶The MC will be the same.
▶Thank you for your comment about the schedule.We will work to find a way for all exchange students to enjoy each event.
▶I wanted to ask how the new interactions with the boys will be? Will it more in-depth so we can really grasp more of their personalities?
▶For the phone calls in particular, we tried to focus more on the romance element of the game. So you will be able to see not only how your favorite brother interacts and reacts with you, but how the other characters react to that relationship.
▶Will there be more romance?
▶There will of course be romance, and we have tried to include more of it, especially in the phone calls.
▶Will parts of the lore be retconned in Nightbringer?
▶Yes! The story from Lesson 80 will eventually continue in Nightbringer.
▶Will Thirteen, Raphael and Mephisto have character songs too in the future?
▶We do have something in the works! (Don't hold your breath though)
▶Will the story be fully voiced ?
▶The main story will not be fully voiced. You will be able to hear their voices a lot more in other parts of the game though.
▶Will we have more interaction with the side character as well as the brothers? Or will it focus on the brothers with minimal interaction with the side characters?
▶The side characters will be in Nightbringer, like the original.As for Lesson 81, the story will continue in Nightbringer.
▶Are there only seven Little D.'s? Or are there many that just look alike because they represent the same sin?
Do the Little D.'s live at the Demon Lord's Castle?
Do they go to RAD as students? Or do they just help MC with their tasks?
And of course I must ask, will we see the Little D.'s in Nightbringer?
▶They do live in the castle.
There are more than seven.
They will be in Nightbringer too!
▶Will the current ‘dating’ structure in the first game be similar to how Nightbringer works? And will the ‘side’ characters still be dateable?
▶The side characters will be dateable!
▶ i’m not sure if you can answer this since it’s about nightbringer, but i’m gonna try my luck anyway lolll is there specific routes in the game ? for example, are we able to date just one of the brothers / characters as opposed to all/none ?
▶ ナイトブリンガーのことなので答えられるかどうかわかりませんが、とりあえず運試しです(笑)ゲームの中で特定のルートはありますか? 例えば、兄弟やキャラクターの全員と付き合うのではなく、一人だけと付き合うことができますか?
▶Yes and no. Dating just one brother has been more fleshed out, but if you want to, you can always choose to date multiple.
▶Will you add a AR feature? I was hoping to take photos with the boys in real life!
▶Unfortunately, no (we want to take photos with them too!).
▶How do you guys feel about the release of Obey me nightbringer?
▶Obey me nightbringerの発売について、皆さんはどのように感じていますか?
▶In Nightbringer, we tried to include everything that we wanted to see as players of the original Obey Me!...Also, the nerves before release are nauseating.
▶『ナイトブリンガー』では、原作の『ObeyMe!』のプレイヤーとして見てほしいものをすべて盛り込もうとしました! …また、発売前の緊張は吐き気がするほどです。
▶Did you ever imagine Obey Me to be this successful?
▶Obey Meがこれほどまでに成功するとは想像していなかったのでしょうか?
▶No way! It's all thanks to everyone's incredible continued support!We have been able to experience so many things that we had never even imagined because of everyone, so we thank you from the bottom of our hearts!
▶How did you go about designing the brothers?
▶We shared their backstories (personalities and upbringing) with the artists and worked with them to decide on the designs you see today from the original concepts they provided.
▶I know it's been mentioned we'll be seeing Levi's encounters with Henry 1.0, but what about the backstory to how Lucifer got Cerberus? Will we get to see his first moments with him too?
▶You will!
▶Why a new game? Why not put this put all of this in the original game?
▶There are a lot of new things under the hood, and while we could have overhauled the original, there would have been a high risk of making it unplayable for everyone.
So eventually, the decision was made to release it as an entirely new game.
▶What is the creative process that the writers undertake when working on the story? Do you begin with an ending in mind and work your way there as you go, or is everything planned even in the smallest details before they are reviewed or approved?
▶In a classic three part story, I like to start with the third part, the climax (in Japanese, this would be the second part). I start with something that I think would be interesting and then build on it from there.
▶You guys love this question, don't you?
When we designed Lucifer's room, we thought he'd like straight lines and a minimalist design... But no, it's not cement.
▶Also, second question: How much prior Obey Me! knowledge do people need when starting Nightbringer - is it a game that can be played as a standalone or is it better if you familiarize yourselfwith the world of OM! first?
▶We have aimed to make Nightbringer playable for new comers to the series. But we also hope that new players enjoy the story enough to go back and read lessons in the original.
▶why did you guys choose to use 3D models?
▶We wanted to see more of the brothers' everyday lives. But animating it would have been an impossibly mammoth undertaking, so we went with using 3D models instead.
▶Obey Me merchandise has been showing up in a few Hot Topics in the USA. Can we expect more Obey Me merch to start selling overseas?
▶Obey Meのグッズは、アメリカではいくつかのHot Topicsで紹介されています。海外でもObey Meのグッズが販売されるようになることを期待してもいいのでしょうか?
▶Hopefully, yes! We are working on some really amazing things!
▶Will the mc form pacts with the brothers in Nightbringer? Since the mc is posing as a demon I can't see they well form a pact unless they want their identity to be outed.
▶Yes, you will be making pacts with the brothers in Nightbringer.
▶I’m kind of curious how the team chose the voice actors. What were you guys looking for in the voice to depict each character?
▶Because the casts' voices were the closest to our image of the brothers. And it just so happened that their personalities ended up being similar too.
▶how much of nightbringer has voiced lines?
▶There will be more chance to hear the voices than the original!

▶Will we get to see or hear more about Thirteen's sister and Mephisto's brother?
▶You will get to hear more about them!
▶Will any of the angels play a big role in Nightbringer?
▶We're not sure if you would consider it a bigger role, but there are more scenes surrounding the angels and Celestial Realm.
▶I read in the others questions that there were more little D's. Is there an explanation why they appear / has similarities to the brothers?
▶We may explain this in the future! (we can't write the full explanation here)
▶Are Raphael, Mephistopheles and thirteen going to be datable in obey me NB
ラファエル、メフィスト、サーティーンはobey me NBでデータ化されるのでしょうか?
▶Not at release...but...
▶for those who have just started the original game or are still many lessons back in the 80's, can they still play nightbringer? or is it better that he gets to the 80th lesson? But then what will happen to the original game, once Nightbringer is finished, will he return to receive lessons?
▶ObeyMe!を始めたばかりの人や、まだ既存レッスンをプレイしている人は、ナイトブリンガーをプレイできるのでしょうか? それとも、レッスン80までプレイしてからのが良いのでしょうか?でもそうなると、原作ゲームはどうなるんだろう、Nightbringerが終わったら、またレッスンを受けに来るのかな?
▶You may get more enjoyment out of the story if you have read up to 80, but we have made it accessible and interesting for new comers too!
▶In Obey Me! we are able to replay lessons/pop quizzes, reread chats and phone calls and fight in battles we cleared before. That is one of the features I appreciate the most and something I love about Obey Me!, not every game offers this sort of luxury.Will we be able to replay and rewatch content in Obey Me! Nightbringer as well or will there be things we can only do once?
Obey Me!(Nightbringer)のコンテンツは、リプレイや再視聴が可能なのでしょうか?それとも一度しかできないことがあるのでしょうか?
▶Yes, ability to replay things will be unchanged from Obey Me!
▶リプレイの機能は『Obey Me!』から変わりません。
▶will we get to pet Cerberus in the game?
▶He might be a bit too big to make into a Surprise Guest.
▶I'm worried about how travelling back in time affects the memories of everyone. I hope what happens in Nightbringer won't overwrite everything that happened in the original game but I don't want them to forget what happened in Nightbringer either.Can different memories coexist or will the original timeline change completely through Nightbringer?
▶Sorry, we can't give you a clear answer because we don't want to spoil the story!
▶Do the demon brothers wash the clothes of their demon form? Do they have alternative demon outfits or do they have multiple pairs of the same outfit?
▶I mean, the clothes appear with their wings and tails, so that's a difficult one...
▶I would like to know more about the demon king (diavolo's dad) And why is he sleeping for so long
▶Diavolo touches on his story in the game, but we can't say too much more.
▶does this sadly mean the erasure of LGBTQ+ players
▶We will of course always continue to strive to be as inclusive as possible! We are sad to hear that the ads came off in this way and will ensure that they are made more inclusive in the future as well.
▶I have a million questions but just really want to thank you for Obey Me. The Devildom got me through a tough time. The anime, merch, and especially the songs!The VA's are treasures. I am grateful for their dedication.
▶質問は山ほどありますが、ただ本当にObey Meに感謝したいのです。魔界生活のおかげで辛い時期を乗り越えることができました。アニメ、グッズ、そして特に歌!声優の皆さんは宝物です。彼らの献身的な努力に感謝しています。
▶Thank you for the wonderful message! We're sure they will be thrilled to hear it!
▶Seeing sheep mc in the ad trailer for nightbringer, will there be a customization for our sheeps?
▶You will see when the game releases, but that is just a plushie the boys can hold!
▶Do we have to be caught up with all the lessons in Obey Me in order to enjoy Nightbringer?
▶ナイトブリンガーを楽しむためには、『Obey Me』のすべてのレッスンをプレイする必要があるのでしょうか?
▶You do not! Nightbringer can be enjoyed without reading all of the lessons!
▶Is there going to be a separate VIP member package for Nightbringer?
▶As Nightbringer will be a separate game on the app stores, the VIP membership will also be separate from Obey Me!
▶Are devilgrams written for cards or are they prewritten scenarios that get assigned to a card? I honestly just want to know how devilgrams are written
▶You are very observant noticing that there are two types. Sometimes they are written for a specific card and sometimes cards are created for a specific story.
▶In the Nightbringer ads I saw Devilgram with same UI but different card art from the OG obey me, will we be able to get the cards also in the OG game?
▶OG Obey Me! cards will not be available in Nightbringer, but cards in shared events will be obtainable in both games.
▶Obey Me!オリジナルのカードは「Nightbringer」では入手できませんが、共有イベントのカードは両ゲームで入手可能です。
▶In the old game, there are few clues to Simeon’s past, and also Solomon has a lot of secrets. So, will new game show more informations Simeon, Solomon and other side characters’ pasts?
▶You will get to see more about the characters' past, Solomon in particular.



  ➡ 新システムを導入したいから



  • *1 「悪魔」のミスタイプ?詳細不明
  • *2 意訳しました。間違っていたら申し訳ありません
  • *3 翻訳サイトやアプリによって翻訳が変化してしまうのではっきりとは不明なのですが、「サイドキャラは攻略できますか?/できます!」なのかな…?と
  • *4 日本語では『起承転結』という文章(物語)構成にあたる四文字熟語があるが、海外では『起/承転/結(introduction/body(development)/conclusion)』という三部構成となるようですが、それでも『二部にあたる』は噛み合わない気がする。…まあ、『最後から書き始めるよ』と言いたいのかな?
  • *5 ものすごくおおざっぱに意訳です。/質問者はアプリ説明部分で「乙女ゲーム」とゲームジャンルがなっていることが気になったようです。
コメント (公式REDDIT)
  • 総コメント数9
  • 最終投稿日時 2023/04/07 15:06
    • 魔界の住人
    2023/04/07 15:06 ID:r00d93k2



    • Good累計300 Lucy@副管理人
    2023/04/07 10:54 ID:urgsbnsw



    • 魔界の住人
    2023/04/07 03:43 ID:kohk9538


    • 魔界の住人
    2023/04/07 01:22 ID:kohk9538



    • Good累計300 Lucy@副管理人
    2023/04/06 21:56 ID:urgsbnsw




    • Good累計300 Lucy@副管理人
    2023/04/06 19:19 ID:urgsbnsw




    • 魔界の住人
    2023/04/06 17:42 ID:kohk9538


    • Good累計300 Lucy@副管理人
    2023/04/06 12:50 ID:urgsbnsw


    I believe there will be new events and nightmares.

    If you want to know, ask on the official Reddit at 17:00 JST.

    • 魔界の住人
    2023/04/06 12:46 ID:au93505m

    Will you continue Event nightmare and event lessons in ObeyMe! Original?

タイトル Obey Me! Nightbringer
    • iOS
    • リリース日:2023/04/11
    • Android
    • リリース日:2023/04/11
  • カテゴリー
  • シミュレーション
ゲーム概要 イケメン悪魔7兄弟を育成する乙女ゲーム。おべない で魔界の日常に癒されよう!リズムゲーム風クエストも登場

「Obey Me! Nightbringer」を
