

最終更新日時 :
作成者: もふもふお
最終更新者: ユーザー70230


2022/06/03 Hotfix (Eternal Banishment - Major Development Update)

2022/06/03 Hotfix (Eternal Banishment - Major Development Update)

Changes 変更点

  1. While players can still choose to take the relic back to the jeep and escape, you now have the option to descend further into the ruins to perform a banishment ritual on the Mejai, offering an alternative method of completing the expedition for significantly increased rewards and challenges.
  • The means to perform the ritual can be found during your explorations as well as within transcribed lore pages, therefore, we encourage players to experience these new changes first-hand. However, for those interested in reading about the changes ahead of time:
  • All ruins now possess a lower level. Activating the blue escape lever will also unlock entry into the lower level where the ritual chamber can be found.
  • Starting the ritual requires several items to be placed on the altar in the ritual chamber. This includes the relic, canopic jars (found throughout the ruins), and the ushabti.
  • The ushabti is obtained by completing a unique, randomly-generated puzzle room found in the tomb's lower level. Each of these puzzles possesses a solution that is dynamically generated at runtime.
  1. プレイヤーは遺物をジープに持ち帰って脱出することを選択できますが、遺跡にさらに降りてメジャイで追放の儀式を行うオプションがあります。大幅に増加した報酬と課題のための遠征を完了するための代替方法を提供します。"
  • 儀式を行う手段は、あなたの探検中だけでなく、転写された伝承ページ内で見つけることができます。したがって、プレイヤーにはこれらの新しい変化を直接体験することをお勧めします。ただし、変更について事前に読むことに興味がある人のために:
  • すべての遺跡がより低いレベルを持つようになりました。青いエスケープレバーを作動させると、儀式室がある下の階への入り口も解除されます。
  • 儀式を開始するには、儀式室の祭壇にいくつかのアイテムを置く必要があります。これには、遺物天蓋の瓶(遺跡の至る所に見られる)、ウシャブティが含まれます。
  • ushabtiは、墓の下のレベルにあるユニークでランダムに生成されたパズルルームを完了することによって得られます。これらのパズルのそれぞれは、実行時に動的に生成されるソリューションを持っています。
  1. A new outdoor environment, Sobek Oasis, has been added. This map has both nighttime and daytime versions, with a brand new procedurally generated map style within the ruins.
  • 25 new rooms, including 5 new dangerous trap rooms
  • New tomb door style and lighting within the ruins
  • New ambience and sound effects
  • New enemy type lurking throughout
  • New objectives unique to the ruins
  1. 新しい屋外環境、ソベックオアシスが追加されました。このマップには夜間と昼間の両方のバージョンがあり、廃墟内で手続き的に生成されたまったく新しいマップスタイルがあります。
  • 5つの新しい危険なトラップルームを含む25の新しい部屋
  • 遺跡内の新しい墓のドアスタイルと照明
  • 新しい雰囲気と効果音
  • 至る所に潜む新しい敵型
  • 廃墟ならではの新しい目的
  1. After much debate, Osiris has convinced Anubis to grant fallen archaeologists the opportunity to return to life and redeem themselves, thereby introducing the Blessing of Osiris mechanic to the game. Specifically, when players die, this mechanic will allow the option to pass through Osiris' gate and return to life as a human player instead of an undead mummy. Note that this path can only be taken once per round - dying a second time will place your fate in Anubis' hands once again.
  • The Blessing of Osiris mechanic can be toggled on or off as a room option. Successfully completing a round with this option disabled will grant additional gold and experience, scaled per difficulty level.

 Easy: +5% bonus gold and experience

 Normal: +10% bonus gold and experience

 Hard: +15% bonus gold and experience

 Brutal: +20% bonus gold and experience

  • Developer Note: Similar to the timer rework in our last major update, the idea behind this change is to give more control to players in regards to their experience with the game's overall difficulty and mitigate frustrations for newer players attempting to progress and familiarize themselves with the gameplay. Those seeking the classic challenge of FOREWARNED can continue to play with this option disabled, now with increased rewards.
  1. 多くの議論の後、オシリスはアヌビスを説得して、堕落した考古学者に生き返って自分自身を贖う機会を与え、それによってオシリスの祝福のメカニックをゲームに導入しました。具体的には、プレイヤーが死亡した場合、このメカニックはオシリスの門を通過し、アンデッドのミイラではなく人間のプレイヤーとしての生活に戻るオプションを許可します。この道は1ラウンドにつき1回しか取れないことに注意してください - 二度目に死ぬと、あなたの運命は再びアヌビスの手に委ねられます。
  • オシリスの祝福メカニックは、部屋のオプションとしてオン/オフを切り替えることができます。このオプションを無効にしてラウンドを無事に完了すると、難易度ごとにスケーリングされた追加のゴールドと経験値が付与されます。


 ノーマル: +10% ボーナスゴールドと経験値

 ハード: +15%のボーナスゴールドと経験値

 残忍な: +20% ボーナスゴールドと経験値

  • 開発者ノート: 前回のメジャーアップデートでタイマーを手直ししたのと同様に、この変更の背景にあるアイデアは、ゲームの全体的な難易度に関する経験に関してプレイヤーにより多くの制御を与え、ゲームプレイを進歩させ慣れようとする新しいプレイヤーのフラストレーションを軽減することです。FOREWARNINGEDの古典的な挑戦を求めている人は、このオプションを無効にしてプレイし続けることができます。
  1. Divining Rod

The long-awaited divining rod is now in stock in the shop! When activated, this powerful tool will serve as your guide while traversing the ruins, briefly rotating towards the nearest collectible treasure such as gold, lore pages, and rare artifacts. Be warned - using this tool will anger the Mejai, so use it sparingly... Upgrades can be purchased to decrease the cooldown time and enhance the tool in other ways.

  1. Medkit

A new default item, the medkit, can be used once per round to restore health. The kit can be used either on oneself or on a teammate in close proximity. It can be upgraded up to level V to restore higher amounts of health per level.

Medkits can be toggled on or off as a room option. Successfully completing a round with medkits disabled will grant additional gold and experience, scaled per difficulty level.

 Easy: +3% bonus gold and experience

 Normal: +6% bonus gold and experience

 Hard: +9% bonus gold and experience

 Brutal: +12% bonus gold and experience

Developer Note: This introduces another way for players to control their experience with the game's difficulty. Players who appreciate a health restoration mechanic now have it, while those seeking the extra challenge of playing without medkits can disable them for increased rewards.

  1. 占いロッド
  • 待望の占い竿がお店頭に入荷しました!この強力なツールを有効にすると、遺跡を横断しながらガイドとして機能し、金、伝承ページ、希少なアーティファクトなどの最も近い収集可能な宝物に向かって短時間回転します。注意してください - このツールを使用するとMejaiを怒らせるので、控えめに使用してください...アップグレードを購入してクールダウン時間を短縮し、他の方法でツールを強化することができます。
  1. メドキット
  • 新しいデフォルトアイテムであるmedkitは、ラウンドごとに1回使用してヘルスを回復できます。このキットは、自分自身でも、近くにいるチームメイトでも使用できます。レベルVまでアップグレードして、レベルごとにより多くのヘルスを回復できます。


 簡単: +3% ボーナスゴールドと経験値

 ノーマル: +6% ボーナスゴールドと経験値

 ハード: +9% ボーナスゴールドと経験値

 残忍な: +12% ボーナスゴールドと経験値

開発者ノート: これにより、プレイヤーがゲームの難易度を自分の体験をコントロールできる別の方法が導入されます。健康回復のメカニックを高く評価するプレイヤーはそれを手に入れましたが、メドキットなしでプレイするという追加の挑戦を求めているプレイヤーは、報酬を増やすためにそれらを無効にすることができます。

2022/02/10 Hotfix (v.16.4)

2022/02/10 Hotfix (v.16.4)

Changes 変更点

  1. Improved wall textures for tomb variation #3
  2. 遺跡のバリエーション#3の壁のテクスチャーの改善しました。
  3. Performed volume normalization for ambient sounds in tomb variation #3
  4. 遺跡のバリエーション#3における環境音の音量正規化を実施しました。
  5. Increased the range and brightness of the flashlight tool for levels 1-3
  6. レベル1~3の懐中電灯の範囲と明るさを拡大しました。
  7. Reduced the chance for torches to extinguish when swinging for torch levels 1-4
  8. 松明レベル1~4で、スイング時に松明が消える可能性を低減しました。
  9. Improved Czech language
  10. チェコ語翻訳の改善しました。

Fixes 修正点

  1. Fixed quicksand slowdown bypass areas
  2. 流砂の迂回エリアでのスローダウンを修正しました。
  3. Fixed an issue that could result in missing reverb effects and light bleed-through in the ruins
  4. 遺跡でリバーブエフェクトが欠けたり、光がにじんだりすることがある問題を修正しました。
  5. Fixed an issue where tools would visually fall through the floor for other players when Tool Sharing was set to off
  6. ツールの共有をオフに設定した場合、他のプレイヤーのツールが視覚的に床から落ちてくる不具合を修正
  7. Fixed an issue with Bloom/Anti-aliasing settings applying when applying Ultra preset
  8. ウルトラプリセット適用時にブルーム/アンチエイリアスの設定が適用される不具合を修正
  9. Fixed an issue with backpack interactivity for VR players in the Cursed Sand Ruins map
  10. Cursed Sand RuinsマップにおけるVRプレイヤーのバックパック操作に関する不具合を修正

2022/02/01 Development Update (v.16)

2022/02/01 Development Update (v.16)

Changes 変更点

Health Indicator ヘルスインジケーター

  1. Players can now decide whether or not to continue venturing forth in the ruins with better awareness of injuries sustained.
  2. これにより、プレイヤーは怪我を自覚した上で遺跡を進むかどうかを判断することができるようになりました。
  3. The Smart Watch tool has been redesigned and retrofitted with biometric technology that detects your character’s current heart rate as well as overall health status. The heart rate dynamically adjusts to your character’s movement, injuries sustained, and more.
  4. スマートウォッチに生体センサーを搭載し、現在の心拍数や健康状態を把握できるようになりました。心拍数は、キャラクターの動きや負傷状況などに応じて動的に調整されます。
  5. A new monitor has been added to the player tool area that displays each team member’s overall health status in real-time.
  6. プレイヤーツールに、チームメンバーの健康状態をリアルタイムに表示するモニターが追加されました。
  7. The heartbeat sound has been further improved to smoothly fade in and out. Additionally, when audibly playing, it now beats in-sync with your character’s current heart rate shown on the health monitor / smart watch.
  8. また、心拍音は滑らかにフェードイン、フェードアウトするように改良されました。また、プレイ中はヘルスモニターやスマートウォッチに表示されるキャラクターの心拍数と同期して鼓動するようになりました。

AI Improvement AIの改善

  1. Improved torch detection for Rathos
  2. Rathos the Damnedのトーチ検出を改善
  3. Reworked Zealot behavior to more closely link Zealot aggression with number of objectives completed, as well as stalking/creeping behavior leading up to the attack phase
  4. 狂信者の行動を見直し、狂信者の攻撃性を目標達成数とより密接に関連付けるとともに、攻撃フェーズに至るまでのストーキング/クリーピングの行動を改善。
  5. Added footstep sounds to Zealots
  6. 狂信者に足音を追加
  7. Added a check to prevent Necreph from teleporting directly onto a player
  8. Necreph the Shadowが直接プレイヤーにテレポートしないようにするためのチェックを追加
  9. Added a difficulty-based cooldown prior to Necreph attacking after teleporting
  10. Necreph the Shadowがテレポート後に攻撃するまでのクールダウンを難易度別に設定しました。
  11. Improved Dekan's targeting AI
  12. Dekan the LostのターゲティングAIの改善
  13. Added logic to ensure Ouphris properly changes into human form after entering true form
  14. Ouphris the Forgottenが真の姿になった後、適切に人間の姿に変化するためのロジックを追加
  15. Improved Dekan's attack animation sync in multiplayer
  16. マルチプレイにおけるDeken the Lostの攻撃アニメーションの同期を改善しました。
  17. Performed optimizations to prevent crashes during Mejai attacks
  18. メジャイ攻撃時のクラッシュを防ぐための最適化を実施
  19. Optimized the pathing around the wooden ramp areas that had previously caused AI to get stuck
  20. AIが立ち往生する原因となっていた木製スロープ付近のパスの最適化
  21. Fixed an issue that could cause Mejai to not spawn if another player left the game prior to the inner tomb opening
  22. 内墓が開く前に他のプレイヤーがゲームから退出した場合、メジャイがスポーンしないことがある問題を修正しました。
  23. Fixed an issue that caused mummies to stop wandering if the host left the game
  24. ホストがゲームから離れた場合、ミイラが徘徊しなくなる不具合を修正

Others その他

  1. Implemented a resolution change confirmation timer to prevent players getting stuck with undesired display settings
  2. 解像度変更確認タイマーを実装し、望ましくないディスプレイ設定でのスタックを防止
  3. Added Czech language support
  4. チェコ語のサポートを追加
  5. Updated the Smart Watch descriptions and image in Archeobay to reflect the new design and functionality
  6. 'Archeobayのスマートウォッチの説明と画像を、新しいデザインと機能に合わせて更新''

Fixes 修正点

  1. Fixed an issue causing torches to extinguish too frequently
  2. 松明が頻繁に消える不具合の修正
  3. Fixed an issue where mummy VR players could not damage living players
  4. ミイラVRプレイヤーが生きているプレイヤーにダメージを与えることができない不具合を修正
  5. Fixed an inner-tomb related issue during map generation
  6. マップ生成時の内墓関連の不具合を修正
  7. Fixed an issue where the flashlight would be equipped backwards in the left belt slot (PC)
  8. 懐中電灯を左のベルトスロットに逆向きに装備してしまう不具合を修正(PC版)
  9. Added logic to prevent players from dying as a round ends to resolve several issues
  10. いくつかの問題を解決するために、遺跡調査ラウンド終了時にプレイヤーが死亡することを防ぐロジックを追加
  11. Fixed an issue with certain gold spawn locations
  12. 特定の黄金のスポーン位置に関する不具合を修正
  13. Removed collision from pots/vases to prevent players from getting stuck in certain cases
  14. 特定のケースでプレイヤーが動けなくなることを防ぐため、ポット/花瓶の衝突を除去しました
  15. Fixed an issue with tooltips showing up on gold buried in sand
  16. 砂に埋もれた黄金にツールチップが表示される不具合を修正
  17. Fixed an issue with tomb variation #3’s mesh protrusion between rooms
  18. 遺跡のバリエーション#3の部屋間のメッシュの出っ張りの不具合を修正
  19. Removed the possibility for levers to spawn on walls in quicksand areas
  20. 流砂地帯の壁面からレバーが発生する可能性を排除
  21. Optimized memory usage in tomb variation #2.
  22. 遺跡のバリエーション#2におけるメモリ使用量を最適化
  23. Improved Russian and Turkish language localization
  24. ロシア語、トルコ語のローカライズを改善

2022/01/21 Hotfix v.15.4

2022/01/21 Hotfix v.15.4

Changes 変更点

  1. Improved zealot reaction time to torch swing for better player interactions
  2. 松明を振った時の狂信者の反応速度を改善し、プレイヤーとのインタラクションを向上させました。
  3. Added logic to prevent zealots from immediately attacking if spawning too close to player
  4. 狂信者がプレイヤーに近づきすぎた場合、すぐに攻撃しないようなロジックを追加しました。
  5. Increased the potential spawn distance of zealots away from the player
  6. プレイヤーから離れた場所にいる狂信者の潜在的なスポーン距離を伸ばしました。
  7. Enhanced the physics of the player ragdoll on death
  8. 死亡時のプレイヤーのラグドールの物理性能を強化
  9. Improved gravity physics for player when falling from heights
  10. 高所からの落下時の重力の影響を改善しました。
  11. Players can now toggle number key inventory selection on or off in the Settings >> Controls >> Keyboard menu.
  12. 設定 >> コントロール >> キーボードメニューで、数字キーによるインベントリ選択のオン/オフを切り替えられるようになりました。

Fixes 修正点

  1. Fixed an issue with Ouphris’ reaction to the amulet when the amulet is being used at an elevated location
  2. 高所でヘカのお守りを使用した際のOuphris the Forgottenの反応に関する問題を修正
  3. Fixed an issue with Talgor not correctly distorting night vision on the tablet
  4. タブレットでTalgor the Perilousの暗視が正しく歪まない不具合を修正しました。
  5. Increased Talgor’s sensitivity to the volume of player voices for better recognition
  6. プレイヤーの声の大きさに対するTalgor the Perilousの感度を上げ、より認識しやすくしました。
  7. Upgraded OpenXR VR framework toolkit to fix visual artifact issue
  8. OpenXR VR フレームワークツールキットをアップグレードし、ビジュアルアーチファクトの問題を修正
  9. Fixed an issue in which the treasury door and prison door could desync between players in rare cases
  10. 宝物庫の扉と牢屋の扉がまれにプレイヤー間で非同期となることがある不具合を修正
  11. Fixed an issue with the photographing of the skeleton under the bridge maze due to a blocked collision
  12. 橋の迷路の下にある骸骨の撮影において、衝突がブロックされていた問題を修正
  13. Fixed an issue with collectibles dropping too high in the bridge maze room
  14. 橋の迷路の部屋で、収集物が高すぎる位置に落ちていた問題を修正
  15. Fixed an issue with the “Gather evidence of remains” objective not appearing in the third tomb variation
  16. 3つ目の遺跡のバリエーションで「遺骨の証拠を集める」という目的が表示されない不具合を修正しました
  17. Fixed an issue where the level I seismometer displayed the incorrect preview image in the purchasing shop
  18. レベルIの地震計の購入ショップで、誤ったプレビュー画像が表示される問題を修正しました
  19. Fixed an issue with the visibility of player’s ragdolls after dying
  20. 死亡時にプレイヤーのラグドールが表示されない不具合を修正
  21. Fixed an issue with the level of detail of one of the houses in the Hidden City of the Sahara map when viewed at certain distances
  22. 「サハラ砂漠の隠れ里」マップにおいて、ある距離から見たときの家屋の詳細度に関する問題を修正
  23. Fixed issue with light shine-through when in the death room
  24. デスルームにいるときに光が透ける不具合を修正
  25. Fixed a keybinding issue where ‘J’ was opening the PDA journal regardless of rebind
  26. キーバインドに関係なく、'J' が PDA のジャーナルを開いていた問題を修正
  27. General performance and lighting improvements
  28. 全般的なパフォーマンスとライティングの改善

2022/01/16 Hotfix v.15.3

2022/01/16 Hotfix v.15.3

Changes 変更点

  1. Added left-handed support for VR which can be set in Settings > Controls > VR
  2. 設定>コントロール>VRで設定可能なVRの左利き対応を追加
  3. Added logic to prevent the binding of LMB to the ESC key
  4. LMBとESCキーのバインドを防ぐロジックを追加しました。

Fixes 修正点

  1. Fixed an issue that caused the zealots to appear too frequently on hard/brutal difficulties
  2. 困難/冷酷の難易度狂信者が頻繁に出現する問題を修正しました。
  3. Fixed an issue that would cause the torch to burn out too quickly / repeatedly
  4. 松明がすぐに燃え尽きてしまう不具合を修正しました。
  5. Changed input system package to help mitigate “constant movement” bug
  6. 操作入力システムのパッケージを変更し、「常時移動」のバグを軽減しました。
  7. Fixed an issue with a vase in the swinging chain trap room causing players to get stuck
  8. 揺れるトゲチェーントラップルームにある花瓶が原因で、プレイヤーが動けなくなる不具合を修正
  9. Fixed an issue that allowed VR mummies to bypass quicksand slowdown
  10. VRミイラが流砂の移動速度低下を回避することができる問題を修正
  11. Fixed an issue that caused the third tomb variation to appear less often than variations #1 & #2
  12. 3つ目の遺跡のバリエーションが、1つ目と2つ目のバリエーションよりも出現率が低くなる不具合を修正

2022/01/15 Zealots of Akar - Major Development Update

2022/01/15 Zealots of Akar - Major Development Update

Changes 変更点

New Enemy Type - Zealots 新しい敵タイプ:狂信者

  1. The Zealots of Akar have been unleashed!
  2. Loyal to the Mejai since ancient times, these servants can be summoned to bring ruin to anyone brazen enough to disturb the tomb of the Mejai.
  3. Present within all map variations, the Mejai will call forth zealots during the investigation phase of your expeditions.
  4. The creatures come in a variety of different shapes and sizes, and follow a unique AI.
  5. While they'll try to attack you, they can be warded off in a couple different ways by those brave enough to face them...

New Maps and Room variations

  1. Two new outdoor environments, the Sunken Dune Shrine and the Hidden City of the Sahara, have been added, both with a brand new procedurally generated map style within the ruins.
  2. 25 new rooms including 5 new dangerous trap rooms
  3. New tomb door style and lighting within the ruins
  4. New ambience and sound effects
  5. New objectives and horrors hiding within…

New Lore

  1. There are now 50 new lore pages available for collection (for a total of 150), which provide the backstory of how the Zealots of Akar came to be as well as the origins of the Mejai Talgor.
  2. The “Lore View” on the shop computer has been improved to allow easier navigation between transcribed pages via left and right arrows.
  3. Page numbers have been added to each lore transcription when viewing.

Timer/Difficulty Rework

  1. We have performed a core mechanic change regarding difficulty and the inner tomb timer.
  2. As part of this update, higher difficulties result in more aggressive creatures encountered in the ruins, increased damage taken from traps/hazards, and buffed Mejai stats.
  3. Previously, in addition to increased damage taken and buffed Mejai stats, difficulty was tied to the amount of time players had to identify the Mejai and enter the inner tomb before it permanently sealed.
  4. While some enjoy this timed mechanic, other players reasonably prefer to take their time investigating and exploring the ruins at their own pace, without only playing on Easy.
  5. Therefore, having a time limit is now a room option a host can toggle on or off to set whether or not the round will be a “timed expedition.”
  6. Players who enjoy the added tension of the timer will be able to continue to do so with increased rewards upon successfully completing an expedition with a relic. During timed expeditions, the time limits for the inner tomb sealing have also been adjusted per difficulty.
  7. Easy: +3% bonus gold and experience | 14 minutes
  8. Normal: +6% bonus gold and experience | 11 minutes
  9. Hard: +9% bonus gold and experience | 8 minutes
  10. Brutal: +12% bonus gold and experience | 5 minutes
  11. Note: These rewards are applied at the end of the round only when the relic is acquired, and they stack with the existing difficulty bonuses.
  12. Additional time is now also added based on map size as well:
  13. Small: +0 minutes
  14. Medium: +1 minute
  15. Large: +2 minutes

Inventory Expansion

  1. Several new features have been implemented to the inventory system.


  1. PC players will now have a default inventory size of five slots for carrying items instead of three.
  2. The archaeological belt can now be upgraded via the shop for additional carrying capacity.
  3. The inventory UI design has been improved with item labels, usage tips, numbering, and other enhancements. Additionally, the brightness of items in the inventory has increased for easier visibility. The item slots themselves have been slightly reduced in size to keep the UI minimal.
  4. Number key binds have been added for quick selection of particular item slots. Both standard keyboard number keys and numpad keys will work.
  5. A new key ‘i’ has been added that allows players to toggle the visibility of their inventory display. This can be rebound as desired in the Controls menu.


  1. VR players will now have a default inventory size of three slots on their belts instead of two
  2. Tools and relics in VR player's belts will scale down for easier visibility and inventory management
  3. VR inventory belt sockets now possess outlines to indicate free spaces to place items
  4. The size of the VR belt sockets have been slightly reduced to help prevent tools from accidentally coming into contact with them
  5. The shop’s level II and III belt upgrades will also apply to the VR belt by providing additional slots for items on the belt itself


  1. The intel we have on the burial sites of the Mejai can only tell us so much…
  2. Players are now able to discover certain objectives while exploring the ruins.
  3. These newly discovered objectives will appear under the objective display’s Hidden Objectives section, as well as in your PDA.
  4. The “Take a picture of the hidden treasury” objective has been altered to no longer require a photograph, but to physically gain access to the room instead.
  5. Additionally, this will now be classified as a hidden objective.
  6. The “Find mummification room” objective has been reworded to “Photograph the embalming altar”


Seismometer (new)

  1. The tremors phenomenon has been enhanced to add an additional layer of player interactivity.
  2. Instead of emitting a subtle rumbling noise, a Mejai capable of causing tremors will now create seismic hotspots around the tomb that can be detected using a new default archaeological tool – the digital seismometer.
  3. While exploring, if you encounter readings above 10mm while the tool is activated, you’re dealing with a Mejai that causes tremors.
  4. A demonstration of this new functionality can be found in the updated interactive tutorial.

Digital Timer (new)

  1. A new tool is now available for purchase, which provides a timer near your objective monitor that starts once you enter the tomb.
  2. By default, the timer will count down the seconds you have until the inner tomb permanently seals.
  3. If you prefer the timer to count up from 0 instead, simply uncheck “Timer Counts Down” in the Settings >> Gameplay menu screen.
  4. Upgrading this tool will also install an add-on to your PDA so you can keep track of the timer wherever you are.
  5. Note that this tool and its upgrade will only appear during timed expeditions.

Radar System (rework)

  1. The Radar System map of the ruins now starts out blank and will fill in as you and your team explore, updating the percentage of the ruins you’ve covered as you go.
  2. The visual design of the Radar System map has received numerous improvements.
  3. As part of this change, a new objective is now present during every expedition: mapping out the ruins.
  4. Your team will be tasked with exploring a certain percentage of the tomb.
  5. While the percentage is randomized each round, the range of required map coverage increases with difficulty.
  6. Players will receive more XP for completing this objective with larger map sizes, and a further bonus for exploring 100% of the tomb.

Heka Amulet (rework)

  1. The amulet’s usage cooldown has been removed. Instead, the amulet now has a limited number of uses, with one charge present per item level. Use it wisely!
  2. When activated, the amulet now also protects against zealots and snakes


  1. Prestige mode is now available.
  2. Players who have collected every relic and rare artifact in the game (as of now) and have purchased and fully upgraded every available tool will be offered a prestige point.
  3. In near-future development updates, prestige points can be used to unlock new customization options such as changing the color of your hard hat helmet, radar system arrow, additional clothing modifications, and other rewards.
  4. Rack up the points now in preparation!
  5. In the meantime, by accepting a prestige point:
  6. a special insignia will appear next to your level with your current prestige level for everyone to see
  7. your player level and tools will all be reset to level 1
  8. your current relic and rare artifact collections will disappear until you collect them again
  9. you will keep
  10. your gold and lore collections
  11. the item shop will no longer have level requirements for the upgrading of tools, so you can fully upgrade them even at level 1 if you have the gold to do so
  12. your good & evil mummy levels will be unaffected by prestige

Phobia-safe Mode

  1. Two safe mode options have been added to the Gameplay menu for arachnophobia (phobia of spiders) and ophidiophobia (phobia of snakes) respectively, which will substitute these creatures with something else entirely.

And More

  1. Players can now swing their torches by pressing their primary key (such as LMB), which can be used to ward off the snake as well as another means of warding off zealots.
  2. Igniting your torch with a lighter has been remapped to the secondary key (such as RMB).
  3. Additional design details have been added to the Temple of the Pharaoh and the Crypt of the Great Pyramid maps. ]
  4. Additionally, the contents of the excavation tent have been relocated near the tomb entrances for both of these maps so that players have closer access to their tools and other equipment they need during the expedition.
  5. The Mejai spirit’s range for the metallic signature and radioactivity phenomena have both been increased.
  6. Additionally, the player “heartbeat” mechanic when the Mejai’s spirit is nearby has been improved in several ways
  7. Small excavation sites have been added to the outside areas of certain maps which can contain valuables buried within the sand.
  8. The PDA (journal) has received numerous design improvements and new tooltips
  9. VR players can now adjust the size of their PDA to one of five variations (XS, S, M, L, XL) by clicking on the “resize” button at the top-left of the PDA itself.
  10. The brightness levels have been increased for levels 1-3 of the hard hat
  11. Realtime gameplay hints have been added to the game to help newer players gain their bearings more quickly.
  12. Note that this option can be toggled on and off via the ‘Show Gameplay Hints’ option in Settings >> Gameplay.
  13. VR players can choose to enable/disable 180° Snap Turn via the VR Controls menu. The default for this option is now set to “off”.
  14. Players who choose the good mummy path will now be rewarded 25% of the total group gold collected per survivor of the round (increased from 5%) as well as a total of 15xp per survivor (increased from 10xp)
  15. The damage taken from the snake trap acid has increased by 10% per difficulty level
  16. Over two dozen new loading screen images have been added. Additionally, loading screens now display gameplay hints.
  17. Additional interactivity and sound effects have been added to the archaeological study lobby
  18. Improved visuals and shadow effects of certain light sources such as mounted torches and lanterns

Fixes 修正点

  1. Fixed an issue where an incorrect item would end up the back of the jeep instead of the relic
  2. 誤ったアイテムが遺物の代わりにジープの後ろに落ちてしまう不具合を修正しました。
  3. Fixed an issue that could prevent the Mejai from physically manifesting
  4. メジャイが物理的に発現しない場合がある不具合を修正しました。
  5. Fixed an issue where the relic could be ignored as being collected when closing the jeep hatch door in certain circumstances
  6. 特定の状況下でジープのハッチドアを閉めた際に、遺物の回収が無視されることがある問題を修正しました。
  7. Fixed issues with Dekan getting stuck when hearing certain tools that were out of range for him to reach
  8. Dekan the Lostが届く範囲外のツールの音を聞いて動けなくなる不具合を修正しました。
  9. Fixed an issue with certain audio not playing for VR players, such as PDA noises or when grabbing the relic
  10. PDAの音や遺物を手にした時など、VRプレイヤーで特定の音声が再生されない不具合を修正しました。
  11. Fixed an issue that could cause player input to break in certain scenarios
  12. 特定のシナリオでプレイヤーの入力が中断されることがある問題を修正しました。
  13. Fixed an issue that could result in players seeing incorrect tooltips when playing on keyboard with a gamepad also plugged in
  14. ゲームパッドが接続された状態でキーボードを使用すると、ツールチップが正しく表示されない場合がある問題を修正しました。
  15. Fixed an issue where the tomb entrance lever could desync from the group if someone activates it before everyone is loaded in
  16. 遺跡の入り口レバーを、全員がロードされる前に誰かが作動させると、グループから脱同期することがある問題を修正しました。
  17. Fixed an ''issue where levers would not stay up in multiplayer games even after being successfully activated, as well as when others leave the game mid-match
  18. ''マルチプレイヤーゲームにおいて、レバーが正常に作動した後でも、他のプレイヤーが途中でゲームから退出すると、レバーが停止したままになる不具合を修正しました。
  19. Fixed an issue related to metal detector collision with gold
  20. 金属探知機黄金の衝突に関する不具合を修正しました。
  21. Fixed an issue with the radar system’s viewing angle
  22. レーダーシステムの視野角に関する不具合を修正しました。
  23. Fixed an issue that could affect the clicking of lore pages in the Lore View menu of the shop
  24. ショップの伝承ページビューメニューにおいて、伝承ページをクリックした際に影響が出る場合がある不具合を修正しました。
  25. Fixed an issue related to VR player’s interactions with doors in the lobby area
  26. ロビーエリアにおけるVRプレイヤーの扉に関する不具合を修正しました。
  27. Performed various performance and sound optimizations across the board
  28. パフォーマンスとサウンドの最適化を行いました。
コメント (パッチノート)
  • 総コメント数1
  • 最終投稿日時 2022年06月14日 22:10
    • 名無しの考古学探検家
    2年まえ ID:lio6tua5






