- Ninja Kiwi Archiveのアップデート。
- 2021/02/24
- 2020/11/26
- 現在ゲーム内にて表記されているアップデート。
- 2016/06/17
- 2016/06/06
- 2016/05/25
- 2016/05/23
- これより前のアップデート
- 2015/11/26
- 2015/06/30
- 2015/05/21
- 2015/05/14
- 2015/04/30
- 2015/03/26
- 2015/03/19
- 2015/03/05
- 2015/02/20
- 2015/02/11
- 2015/02/03
- 2014/12/12
- 2014/12/10
- 2014/11/24
- 2014/10/29
- 2014/10/21
- 2014/10/08
- 2014/09/24
- 2014/09/09
- 2014/09/03
- 2014/08/07
- 2014/07/03
- 2014/06/26
- 2014/06/19
- 2014/06/17
- 2014/05/29
- 2014/05/22
- 2014/05/19
- 2014/05/13
Ninja Kiwi Archiveのアップデート。
NK Archive Update v1.0.9
The NK Archive should now be playable again! After recent issues players had after Flash's end of life, we've been working on alternative ways to get the Archive back up and running, so you should now be able to enjoy all your old NK favourites again!
Note: Unfortunately, we can't say for certain whether this will be a permanent fix or not, as it's entirely dependent on any changes Adobe may make going forward. We'll keep an eye out for any issues, though!
Happy gaming :)
NK Archive アップデート v1.0.9
NK Archive Update 1.0.6
This update adds additional measures to support Flash's end of life.
Happy gaming!
NK Archive アップデート 1.0.6
Bug Fixes
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- Achievement: Fixed an issue that players to get stuck on mission summary screen.
Bug Fixes
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- Events: Clients running an old version of sas4 will no longer be able to play events. The events will not appear and you will see a server message informing you that you are running an Old build.
- Badges: Fixed a bug which was causing Event Badges for some events to not display in the character UI panel.
- achievements:the Badge bug fix above now also means that the achievements related to collecting Event Badge are fixed. This should automatically sync when you first load and no progress will be lost from Event Badges earned on events within the last week or so.
- Global events: Fixed an issue where players would only see Global Event rewards screen pop up once. If players failed to claim rewards and refresh they will seethe rewards the next time they load the game. This bug will automatically be fixed for players experiencing this issue with the last Global Event
Bug Fixes
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- UI: Fixed an issue with the Updates banner in the news panel crashing causing the news panel to not display.
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- Last Man Standing: Removed bonus multiplier for quick games that was causing some players in 3rd/4th beating players in 2nd place as the players in 3rd and 4th died within the bonus multiplier time range and 1st and 2nd did not. Scores are now based entirely off the duration like they were previously. But scoring is not a linear increase anymore. There are diminishing returns for games longer than 10 minutes.
Bug Fixes
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- Bounties Fixed an issue that was causing scores to be reset when players loaded up sas4 again.
- Bounties} Fixed a UI issue where the Black Keys box in the rewards screen had missing text and text clipping out Of the frame.
- Loading Save File} Fixed a bug where if a player had an empty character slot that the game would fail to load their data and show an error window.
- プレミアム(課金)武器追加
- Assault Rifle にCM 000 Kelvinを追加。
- Rocket LauncherにVitriolを追加。
- ShotgunにRonson 5X5を追加。
- 通常イベントの報酬は、リーダーボードにハイライトされており、その場所の報酬を獲得できます。
- 通常イベントのアイコンは、マップが固定の場合、イベントのアイコンではなくマップのアイコンが表示されます。
- LMS/APOC:アポカリプスモードのボスを次のウェーブまでに倒せなかった場合、そのボスのステータスはそのままになります。
- コレクションで、ヘッダーの詳細情報にステータスとロゴが表示されます。
- リーダーボードに誰も記載されていない状態で確認するとクラッシュするバグを修正。
- アポカリプスモード(APOC)にて、ウェーブのカウントが最大カウントから始まるバグを修正。
New Features
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- Take Part in SAS4's first ever Championship!
- First Championship: Elite Wquads - players earn Championship medals by killing bosses in regular multiplayer games and by surviving and
killing bosses in Apocalypse event games.
- Several one day Apocalypse events will run during the Elite Squads 7 day Championship, so earn as many medals in each for the best chance
for top rewards.
- The top 3 players will earn the incredible RIA Trident {BLACK] gun, one of 3 Diamond Badges, and other amazing goodies.
- The top 500 players in the Championship earn other special badges as a mark of their skill and achievement, which automatically show off in
leaderboards,multiplayer lobbies, and character profiles.
- Other Championship prizes include stacks of SAS4 Creds, heaps of top strongboxes,revive tokens, and free pre-game boosts foa a limited
- New achievements added related to the Championship!
- An Event Panel has been added to the game to keep players up to date with the latest news, patch notes, and events.
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- Event Rewards: Rewards have been increased for events and bounties.
- Nightmare Mode: Lobby hosts are now able to select the mission they want to play. Yeehaw!
- Nightmare Mode: Nightmarish zombies now ignore 5% armor in a way similar to Dark Minions.
- Multiplayer: "Ranked" option has been added to Contracts and Nightmare mode that will place players into matches within specific lovel
ranges. These lobbies may take longer to fill but will be more balanced if that's what you're after.
- Apocalypse: Thw process for modifying zombies stats based off the wave count has been adjusted. Games will now get harder more quickly
and more bosses will spawn.
- Last Man Standing: This mode now has the same zombie stat modifiers as Apocalypse. Bosses in these events now also drop loot, including
- Last Man Standing: The player who places last in every situation will no longer be awarded any event points. No more join and die for a point.
- Stripper: This weapon has been balanced to reduce network traffic. The number of projectiles has been reduced to 3, while the damage has
been increased.Overall the gun DPS should be about the same.
- Ice Station: A timer has been added to the truck stage to eventually put players onto the truck if they are taking too long.
Bug Fixes
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- UI: A crash has been fixed when comparing weapons on the strogbox opening screen if the compared weapon had a elite core on it.
- VIP: The VIP himself can no longer be pushed around by players, this should stop the VIP form being pushed intl walls.
- VIP: Double end-game boss spawns should no longer happen in VIP nightmare mode.
- Contracts: Fixed an issue where a game could end in 5-15 seconds if onw player lagged out while loading into the match.
- Crash: Fixed potential crash when loading into a mission which caused the players avatar to break, not move and the UI to not show up.
- Re-match: Patched a problem where re-matching could smotimes lead to other random players joining the re-match lobby.
- Contracts: Fixed an issue were players could be in the same lobby but each be loading different maps.
New Features
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- Contract: Zombie Hotspot released! Zombies are mutating and this requires a rapid efficient response!
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- Armor: Damage reduction armor formula has been modified so there is no longer a drop in damage reduction around 6000 armor.
Bug Fixes
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- Black Strongboxes: Discard button has been fixed and additional black strongboxes above the max cap are discarded once again.
New Features
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- New contract map released! Space Resort!
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- Contract-Support Weapons Shipment:Crates now have double HP.
Bug Fixes
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New Features
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Introducing the all new Contracts missions!
- Manufacturers are now offering the SAS team Contracts to support the ongoing efforts against the zombie apocalypse!
- Play short, focused, single objective missions with specific reward types - perfect for a quick game!
- Brand new Contract specific modes consisting of Ammo Recovery, Support Weapons Shipment and Data Retrieval!
- Entirely new Contract only maps! Compound, Uranium Mine, Crash Site and Sea Lab!
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Weapon Reloading: Reload time on guns is capped to 20% of base reload time.
Nantonium strongboxes: Will now drop a wider range of loot.
Apocalypse: Waves will now continue to spawn regardless of worms, which previously could cause the event to stop progressing.
Event Maps: More precautions have been taken to stop zombies getting stuck in walls.
Avatar Armor: Slight changes to the armor formula meaning that it is now harder to get to the max cap of 99%.
Nightmare Bosses: Cash drop nerf - they were dropping far too much cash previously.
Bug Fixes
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Pierce: An issue has been fixed that caused weapons with a certain amount of pierce to do very small amount of damage if only one target was hit.
Continuous Collisions Fix: Players no longer get teleported back through walls when passing through clothes racks and ferns.
VIP: More precautions have been made to stop the VIP spawning in the walls of the mansion, causing physics to break and players to be teleported off the map.
Mission Cash: Fixed a bug where events were giving out mission cash bonuses on completion.
Sound: More changes have been made to the sound engine to stop Loaderbots/Mechs creating never ending sound loops.
Heavy: Changes have been made to the Die Another Day and Hold The Lines visual effects to stop a visual glitch where they do not turn off.
New Features
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Meltdown Nightmare map released!
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Meltdown: Overall optimizations to the map has reduced lag (FPS issues).
Vaccine: Loot that drops on the first train is no longer lost (left behind), instead it will now gravitate towards the player.
Ice Station: Zombies can no longer get inside the truck with the players (Excluding Dark Minions)
Ice Station: Players no longer take damage from acid pools while in the truck.
Bug Fixes
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Meltdown: Fixed rare case where an enemy dying in a doorway could cause a crash.
Assault - Killing Spree: Fixed some issues where killing spree could be achieved without meeting the correct criteria.
DoT: Optimizations have been done with DoT's, they are now sending 50% less network traffic!
[Hot-fix] Nightmare Bosses: Non-savage packs of bosses were not dropping strongboxes when they should and instead only dropping cash. This has been fixed and now on of the bosses in the pack will drop a strongbox and cash as is the intended result.
New Features
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Ice Station Nightmare map now available!
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Revive: Increase respawn rate when mission has been completed and countdown time is displaying and ticking down.
Nightmare: All bosses now drop cash.
Elite Core Drops: Nightmarish Savage Devastator Elites now have a chance to drop Elite Cores.
Elite Core Augmenting: The "Enhance all base stats" augment has been reduced to a MAX of 50% instead of 100%.
Weapon - Luftplatzen: Bullets will not explode into a cone of fire if they hit walls/static objects etc.
Bug Fixes
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Pods: Stopped the Necrosis teleporter spawn from teleporting outside of the map.
Events: Gold event rewards was showing 1% black key chances but is actually 0.5%, This has been corrected.
Event Reward Tiers: Black key drop chances have been increased from 5% to 10% for Diamond and from 1% to 4% for Platinum.
Power Ups: Fixed exploit with powerups.
Field Supplies: Fixed rounding issues.
New Features
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New event maps! Meltdown and Ice Station Arena maps are now available!
Revive Tokens introduced for Ninja Kiwi players!
Custom Keybinding! All keys can now be rebound from the ""[?] Control/Stats"" button on the main screen in the bottom left corner!
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Pods: Boss room doors no longer close when players enter the boss arena.
Pods: Enemies that spawn in the supermarket while players are in boss room now get teleported into the rubble that falls down.
Events: Temporarily disabled being able to leave LMS/Apoc and being awarded event points before game ends naturally.
Boss Rooms: A rare bug that causes players to be locked out of the Pods/Survivors boss rooms or left behind in the train terminal on Vaccine have been fixed. The game will now identify any players not inside the boss battle or on the train and move these players into the correct locations.
Ice Station: Some changes have been made to the locations zombies can get to in this mission. In order to stop zombies becoming lost and/or wandering off. This was causing the game to not move onto the next event as it was waiting for all zombies to be killed.
Map Masters: Nightmare versions of normal maps now count towards map master achievement progress.
Ammo: Can purchase ammo faster in the main menu's now.
Bug Fixes
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Events: Issues with new waves not spawning past wave 20 in LMS and Apoc.
Pods: Fixed bug where standing in between the doors into the boss room while mission was ending caused a crash.
Nightmare: Pods/VIP/Power Out now wait for all bosses to be killed before the mission ends.
Vaccine: Terminal doors no longer close, fixing an issue where they could cause a crash that would make the graphics bug out.
Events: Players leaving LMS/AV early by disconnecting their internet connection no longer get a win or awarded any event points at all.
Skills: Using auto clickers to initiate a skill multiple times before it activates has been fixed. (Adrenaline stacking etc)
Physics: Players no longer get stuck in ferns/clothes racks.
Exploit: An exploit has been fixed in relation to Black Strongboxes.
Statistics: Alpha Virus damage explosion no longer counts towards the collections weapon damage statistics.
Graphics: Fixes a rare bug where a crash could happen within the graphics engine while rendering sprites.
Weapons: [BLACK] HIKS 3100 main menu graphics have been fixed.
Collections Statistics: Damage numbers are now displaying correctly.
New Features
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New Nightmare map versions for VIP and Zombie Pods released!
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Weapons - Shockfield damage reduced slightly.
Weapons - Proposition damage increased.
Nightmare - Removed nightmare mode revive speed bonus.
Achievements - Nightmare maps now count towards normal maps ""Map Master"" achievement progression.
Bug Fixes
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Sounds - More sound fixes for looping audio (Zombie Mech and Loaderbots).
Power Ups - Fixed in-game power up purchases to be the same as pre-mission prices in all cases.
Vaccine - Fixed bug where a crash could happen in the terminal by late spawning zombies closing the doors.
Armor - Revive time bonus is now visible again on the armor pieces that previously had these effects.
- Rubicon Industriesの復活速度オプション効果。
New Features
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New Map! Meltdown: Stop Boreas' main nuclear power plant going critical and causing a major disaster!
New Achievements! Map Champion's and more!
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Power-Ups: Now scale cost based on player level rather than a hard switch at level 30.
Bug Fixes
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Weapons: Critical hits have been fixed for weapons that had been augmented with Pinpoint.
Achievements: ""Gotta Catch Em All' now tracking progress.
Map: Zombie Pods - Pods no longer automatically pop open by themselves.
Map: Zombie Pods - Nightmare waypoint for 5th purge nest no longer shows up in normal Pods missions.
Sound: Fixes to the engine to stop sounds endlessly looping.
Collection Rewards: Fixed multiple issues where some rewards were displaying incorrect visual information.
Nightmare Mode: Cash drops in nightmare mode from zombies are correct to be 5x the normal amount.
Nightmare Mode: Fixed a bug where main bosses would sometimes not drop cash.
Physics: Fixed some locations where physics caused issues with players becoming stuck.
- --------------------------
Armor: [RED] Trooper Boots and [RED] Special Forces Boots had their armor stats around the wrong way and have been switched back.
Support: M45 and M48 grenades have had a damage increase.
Weapon: Hornet rate of fire decreased to 5 RPS.
Weapon: Gebirgskanone damage increased.
Medic: Protective Aura skill increased to 75 defense per point.
Medic: Bad Blood skill increased damage to +40 per skill point.
Medic: Final Farewell generates 3 medkits at skill level 1 but more kits at higher skill levels.
Heavy: Aerial Bombardment skill damage greatly increased.
Assault: Close Quarters Combat skill initial damage at skill level 1 decreased but increased for skill level 2 and beyond.
Assault: Assault Team skill increased health and damage of each team member.
Assault: Gun Mod Expert improved slightly.
Skill: Fast Reload skill reduced to 3.5% per point from 4%
New Features
Nightmare mode introduced to SAS4! Reach level 35 for a nightmarish new challenge and a chance to get the very best new loot in the game.
Most weapons/armor now have [BLACK] versions, which are extremely powerful higher level versions of each weapon and armor piece in the game.
New Black Strongbox containing [BLACK] weapons and armor - obtain Black Keys from Nantonium boxes in Nightmare Mode.
Introducing Elite Augment Cores. Modify and enhance your stuff even more with these super rare, super powerful items.
Inventory Size Increase - weapons and armor inventory slots have been increased from 20 slots to 30 slots.
SAS4 Collections tab added into the game allowing players to see all weapons, all armor, and their stats.
Weapon Stats - the Collections tab allows you to track statistics on your weapons, kills/total damage/max crits and more.
Weapons and armor now display the approximate levels that they drop at in the Collections tab.
New achievements - "I AM the nightmarel" and many more.
Augment Rewards added for spending money on augmenting your equipment! Earn Black Keys, Elite Augment Cores, and high tier strongboxes.
Graphics Settings: In-game settings have been expanded on which allows for more custom settings to be selected.
Graphics Settings: Screen shacking is now disabled if VFX are turned off.
Armor: Shotlite Dragon [RED] set buffed, can now be obtained at higher levels.
Weapons: Mustang [RED] buffed, can now be obtained at higher levels.
Weapons: CM 225 can be obtained at higher levels, damage has been nerfed.
Weapons: HVM MPG nerfed, damage reduced, reload speed increased from 2 secs to 2.2 secs.
Map: Power Out - First corridor and main boss rooms now spawn zombies faster.
Augment: Enlarged - Now makes the Luftplatzen flame cone enlarge, Flamethrowers flames are enlarged as well.
Digit Grouping: Has been added to all figures in the game now for better readability. E.g. 1000000 will show as 1,000,000.
Map: VIP now has a countdown timer at the end of the mission.
UI: Zeus turret now shows correct image in the support tab.
Shielder: Shields can be pierced by bullets again.
Events: Players can now leave Apocalypse at any time and get their rewards, they will no longer get an "Event Failed" scenario.
Graphics: Necrosis Children have been optimized to perform better on lower and machines.
Bug Fixes
Exploit: Wall Jumping has been fixed, it is no longer possible for players to jump through walls.
Instant Revive Glitch: A failsafe has been added that may stop this glitch from occurring.
Power Ups: "Tank" power up has been fixed, players now get the +50% HP regen in all scenarios.
Assault Teams: Boss projectiles no longer bounce off assault team members.
Weapon & Armor Statistics: Many bugs fixed in relation to this, stats should now accurate for all items.
Flamethrower Mastery: +25% Increased burn time now does more damage over tha additional time, instead of the same damage over a longer period of time.
Mission Summary: fixed an issue causing the mission summary to bug in multiplayer games if a player left during the map initialization phase.
Events: Last Man Standing - Fixed some issues that sometimes caused no event points to be awarded.
Events: Fixed issues where some events ere not being setup correctly before the games started.
Shielder: Fixed a bug where shooting a shielder shield may result in flash crashing.
Zombdroid Soldier: Fixed an issue where the solider would die while shooting but continue its shooting animations.
Skills: Final Farewell should no longer trigger more than once on death.
Multiplayer: Leaving a lobbby while the game is initializing no longer causes the game to bug out.
Ammo: Rounding errors fixed with some weapons ammo stats.
Maps: Ice Station - Fixed a bug which caused HVM Soldiers to die, causing them to turn into ghosts and not being able to finish the mission.
UI: Overall UI improvements, fixes.
- ナイトメアモードが実装
- Lv35から入場可能
- [RED]版を凌ぐ新たな装備のバージョン、[BLACK]版が実装
- ただしPistolカテゴリのみ[BLACK]版が存在しない
- 最高レア度のBlack Strongboxが実装
- Black Strongboxの出現テーブルには[BLACK]版の装備が含まれる
- Black Strongboxは最大で5個まで所持可能
- Black StrongboxはLv25まで解錠不可能
- Black StrongboxはBlack Keyがなければ解錠不可能
- Elite Augment Coresが実装
- スロットの増設が可能(武器は最大4スロット、防具は最大3スロット)
- ギア数の増設が可能(最大12ギア)
- 既に付与されている装備強化のリセット
- 武器の威力、貫通力、攻撃速度、装弾数の強化(1回につき+5%、最大+100%)
- 防具の物理、耐熱、耐毒防御力の強化(1回につき+5%、最大+100%)
- コレクション機能の実装
- コレクション機能の一部はアカウント毎に共通
- 条件を満たすとステータスの強化やStrongbox、Cashなどの報酬を得られる
- ただしStrongboxなどの報酬はイベント報酬と同じく条件達成時のキャラクターのみ?(要確認)
- まだ入手していない装備のステータスや、どのLvから出現するかが確認可能
- ただしどのLvまで出現するかは相変わらず確認不可能
- 今まで使用した武器の最大ダメージ、累積ダメージなどの統計も閲覧可能
- Augmentation Progress Rewards 機能の実装
- 装備強化をするほど経験値が溜まり、各Lv毎に報酬を得られる
- 経験値は強化に支払った金額の5%
- インベントリ増加
- 武器/防具のインベントリが20スロットから30スロットへ増加。
- 新実績
- "I AM the nightmarel"など多数。
- グラフィック設定
- In-game settings have been expanded on which allows for more custom settings to be selected.
- VFXをオフにすると画面揺れの効果を無効にできる。
- 防具
- Shotlite Dragon [RED]
- set buffed, can now be obtained at higher levels.
- 武器
- Mustang [RED]
- buffed, can now be obtained at higher levels.
- CM 225
- can be obtained at higher levels, damage has been nerfed.
- nerfed, damage reduced, reload speed increased from 2 secs to 2.2 secs.
- マップ
- V.I.P.
- now has a countdown timer at the end of the mission.
- Power Out
- 最初の通路とボス部屋のスポーン間隔が早くなった。
- 武器強化
- Enlarged
- Now makes the Luftplatzen flame cone enlarge, Flamethrowers flames are enlarged as well.
- Digit Grouping
- Has been added to all figures in the game now for better readability. E.g. 1000000 will show as 1,000,000.
- UI
- Zeus turret
- supportタブで正しい画像が表示されるようになった。
- 敵
- Shielder
- 再び、盾が弾丸に貫通されるようになった。
- イベント
- Apocalypse
- プレイヤーはいつでも戦場を去って報酬を得られるようになった。they will no longer get an "Event Failed" scenario.
- グラフィック
- Necrosis Children have been optimized to perform better on lower and machines.
- Exploit
- 壁抜けを修正。
- Instant Revive Glitch
- A failsafe has been added that may stop this glitch from occurring.
- Power Ups
- "Tank"の+50% HP regenが機能していなかったのを修正。
- Assault Team
- Boss projectiles no longer bounce off assault team members.
- Weapon & Armor Statistics
- Many bugs fixed in relation to this, stats should now accurate for all items.
- Flame Thrower Mastery
- +25% Increased burn time now does more damage over tha additional time, instead of the same damage over a longer period of time.
- Mission Summary
- fixed an issue causing the mission summary to bug in multiplayer games if a player left during the map initialization phase.
- イベント
- Fixed issues where some events ere not being setup correctly before the games started.
- Last Man Standing
- Fixed some issues that sometimes caused no event points to be awarded.
- 敵
- Shielder
- Fixed a bug where shooting a shielder shield may result in flash crashing.
- Zombdroid Soldier
- Fixed an issue where the solider would die while shhoting but continue its shooting animations.
- Skills
- Final Farewell
- 一度に2回分発動するバグを修正。
- Multiplayer
- イニシャライズ中にロビーを去ることにより起きるバグを修正。
- Ammo
- Rounding errors fixed with some weapons ammo stats.
- マップ
- Ice Station
- Fixed a bug which caused HVM Soldiers to die, causing them to turn into ghosts and not being able to finish the mission.
- UI
- 全体的なUIの改善と修正。
Bug Fixes
Weapons: Trailblazer & Gigavolt fix for gun not firing when shooting zombies.
- Ria 40: Reload time set to 3.5 seconds instead of an incorrect value of 0.25 seconds.
- Tombstone: [RED] and Normal versions have the same ammo capacity now,200.
Rocket Ammo: Prices corrected,and now cost half the value they did before the expansion,50% cheaper.
Sounds: Flamethrower/Laser sounds are now being turned off correctly during game and when the game ends.
Ammo Purchasing: Stops purchasing ammo if tabs are switched while holding down click on purchase button.
- 武器
- TrailblazerとGigavoltが空撃ちになっていたのを修正
- RIA 40のリロードタイムが0.25秒になっていたバグを3.50秒に修正
- Tombstone [RED]の装弾数を200に修正
- Rocket Launcher
- 弾薬費が正しく50%安くなった
- サウンド
- Flame Thrower/Laserの音がゲーム中/終了時に正しくオフになるように
- 弾薬
- 弾薬購入ボタンを押したままタブが切り替わった時に弾薬が購入されるバグを修正(?)
New Features
Welcoming the first Weapon/Armor SAS4 expansion pack!
Two new classes of weapons - Lasers! Blade Throwers!
Pack includes 20 brand new weapons! For the Rubicon, Critical Mass, Smokestack, HIKS, Teknoboom, Rancor, Ronson and Shotlite manufacturers!
Also with 4 brand new sets of armor! Rubicon Hardplate, HVM Carbon Fibre, Atomic Medusa and Shotlite Dragonfly sets
Along with [RED] versions of all new weapons and armor!
Ronson Flamethrower: Increased range, fire projectiles pass through enemies, as well as stunning enemies!
Resists: Are now hard capped to 99.0%at a maximum.
Shielders: Now have physical physics based shields and reflect/block some projectiles/lasers.
Ammo Cost: All standard an premium rockets/missiles now cost 50% less.
Weapons: List of changes
- CM 451 Starburst [RED] 15% [Normal] 30% damage buff.
- Mixmaster [RED] [Normal] 35% damage buff.
- Supermarine [RED] [Normal] 20% damage buff, +1 pierce.
- Poison Claw [RED] [Normal] +2 pierce.
Bug Fixes
Survivors: Worms spawned from bloaters no longer wandering around the map in a passive state.
Zombie Mech: Fixed a bug where Zombie Mech would break if a biocleanse or cryo was used on it when it was firing.
Aerial Bombardment & Flamethrowers: Can now damage/destroy nests/pods/eggs (Mission Pods: Boss pod/minion eggs).
- 武器に新しいカテゴリが追加
- Laser
- Blade Thrower
- 20種類の新しい武器を追加 ([Normal]/[RED])
- Rubicon, Critical Mass, Smokestack, HIKS, Teknoboom, Rancor, Ronson, Shotlite
- Pistol
- RIA 1010
- CM 225
- CM 330
- Ronson 50
- RIA 40
- RIA 45 Para
- CM 530 BabyCOM
- Proposition
- RIA T40
- Tombstone
- Assault Rifle
- CM 440 Titan
- Heartburn
- Ronson 70
- Shotgun
- Shotlite Tempest
- Sniper Rifle
- CM 800 Jupiter
- Rocket Launcher
- Lone Star
- Luftplatzen
- HIKS 3100
- 4種類の新しい防具を追加 ([Normal]/[RED])
- Rubicon Hardplate
- HVM Carbon Fibre
- Atomic Medusa
- Shotlite Dragonfly
- 耐性
- 上限値を99.0%に変更
- Shielder
- Now have physical physics based shields and reflect/block some projectiles/lasers.
- 弾薬費
- Rockets/Missilesの通常弾/強化弾の価格が50%下がった
- 武器
- Flame Thrower
- range上昇
- 発射された火炎が敵を貫通/スタンするように
- CM 451 Starburst
- [Normal] 30% damage buff
- [RED] 15%
- Mixmaster
- [Normal] [RED] 35% damage buff
- Supermarine
- [Normal] [RED] 20% damage buff, pierce +1
- Poison Claw
- [Normal] [RED] pierce +2「1→3」
- Survivors
- Worms spawned from bloaters no longer wandering around the map in a passive state.
- Zombie Mech
- Fixed a bug where Zombie Mech would break if a biocleanse or cryo was used on it when it was firing.
- Aerial Bombardment & Flame Thrower
- Nests/Pods/Eggs (Mission Pods: Boss pod/minion eggs)を攻撃/破壊できるように
New Features
New Map! Ice Station is now avilable to play!
Bug Fixes
Masteries: Movement speed fixes, turrent XP fix.
Performance: Multiple performance improvements, E.g. Weapons/Zombies/Effect optimizations.
Weapons: Bullets no longer collide with zombies while a zombie is dying.
Stats: Weapons/Armor visual statistics corrections.
Events: Multiple event mode bug fixes that were causing flash crashes/desyncs.
- 新マップ
- Ice Station
- Masteries
- 移動速度の修正(?)
- タレットのXP修正(?)
- パフォーマンス
- 武器、ゾンビ、エフェクト等の最適化
- 武器
- 死亡中のゾンビに弾丸が当たらないように修正
- 統計
- 武器と防具の外見を修正(?)
- イベント
- イベントモードで同期が取れない、Flashがクラッシュするバグを修正
- 武器
- Shock属性武器の仕様が変更
New Event! Apocalypse game mode now live!
Weapon/Armor: Detailed stats now shows all mastery, skills and augment modifiers from all sources. Hover over a stat in the "More info" screen to see a detailed list.
Pods - Multiplayer: Boss Pods Spike attack now does normal damage to players.
- 新イベント
- Apocalypse
- 武器/防具
- すべてのマスタリー、スキル、強化がステータス表示に反映されるようになった(?)
More Info画面の項目にマウスオーバーすると詳細がリスト表示される
- Zombie Pods(マルチプレイ)
- Boss Podの刺攻撃が通常のダメージになった(?)
Bug Fixes
Overall game performance optimizations.
General UI updates,improvements and bug fixes.
Final Farewell: Now drops correct number of medkits.
Zeus Turret: Graphic changes.
Turret AI: Performance improvements, behavior optimizations.
Augment - Biosynthesis: Working as intended again.
Masteries: Fixed issues with weapon specific masteries affecting other weapons.
Mastery Achievements: Fix for HD Ammo achievement progression.
Increased flamethrower damage slightly.
- Skills
- Medic Skill「Final Farewell」
- 正しい数のMedkitが放出されるようになった
- タレット
- Zeus Turret
- グラフィック変更
- AIの改善によって動作が最適化された
- 武器強化「Biosynthesis」
- 効果が機能していなかったバグを修正
- Masteries
- Fixed issues with weapon specific masteries affecting other weapons.
- 実績
- Mastery
- Fix for HD Ammo achievement progression.
- Flame Thrower上方修正
- Damage上昇
- Normal「60→80」
[RED]「100→160」 - Heavy Skill Hold The Lineを上方修正。(未記載)
- Ronson MK V Flame Turretの威力を下方修正。通常:700→200、RED:1750→700 (未記載)
- Power OutのLoader bot(起動前)とMachine Gun Turrets(起動前)が破壊不可能な障害物に。(未記載)
- VIPとプレイヤーの当たり判定を追加。(未記載)
- VIPがZombdroid Soldierの遠距離攻撃でダメージエフェクト。(未記載)
Masteries Released! Incremental upgrades for armor, weapons and gear!
Bug Fixes
Protective Aura: Fix for the visual effects being displayed.
VIP Arena: Art assets/objects added back into the map.
Vaccine Arena: Art assets added back into the map.
Event - Last Man Stand: Instant "mission completed" which awarded five event points is now fixed.
Event Leaderboard: Fixed some bugs concerning scores being saved and displayed.
Last Stand: Boss spawns should attack players now and not run directly to the end.
Turrets: Ammo is now synced correctly.
Zeus Turret: Shows correct "Total Ammo" ammount in Support tab.
Revive Glitch: Potential fix has been deployed.
Strongbox Rebalancing: Changes to rarity of items making them slightly more common.Larger Variety of items at any given level from all strongboxes.
Savage Loaderboat: Lowered hp, slightly increased damage and speed.
Aerial bombardment: Has been buffed.
Rebalancing: Gigavolt and Trailblazer have pierce reduced by 1 and rarity lowered.
- Masteries Released! Incremental upgrades for armor, weapons and gear!
- Medic Skill
- Protective Aura
- エフェクトが常に表示されるバグを修正
- ミッション
- V.I.P.
- Art assets/objects added back into the map.
- Vaccine
- Art assets added back into the map.
- Last Stand
- ボスがプレイヤーを無視するバグを修正
- イベント
- Leaderboard: Fixed some bugs concerning scores being saved and displayed.
- Last Man Standing
- Instant "mission completed" which awarded five event points is now fixed.
- タレット
- 弾丸が正しく同期するようになった
- Zeus Turret
- サポートタブでTotal Ammoが正しく表示されるようになった
- Revive Glitch: Potential fix has been deployed.
- Strongbox
- アイテムのレア度を減少
どのレベル帯でもすべてのStrongboxから様々な種類のアイテムが出るようになった - 敵
- Savage Loaderbot
- HPが減少、ダメージとスピードが上昇
- Heavy Skill
- Aerial Bombardment
- Has been buffed.
- 武器
- CM GigavoltとTrailblazerの下方修正
- Pierceが1減少。レア度が減少。
New Event! Last Man Standing now live!
Assault Team: Are no longer invulnerable.
Zombies: Worms spawned from bloaters/regurgitators now inherit the same elite properties.
Zombie Pods: Boss Pod egg now updates its HP correctly when Minion Eggs die.
Last Stand: Fixed an issue where boss spawns would not agro the players.
Assault: Killing spree no longer activates from rocket turret kills.
Medic: Protective Aura no longer active while the avatar is dead.
Sentry: Zeus turrets placed by other players now show ammo counter correctly.
Cache: Possible fix for black screen bug.
General UI bug fixes
Missions: The VIP & Pods event maps have had some zombie spawns relocated.
- 新イベント
- Last Man Standing
- Assault Skills
- 「Assault Team」
- 不死身だったバグを修正
- 「Killing Spree」
- Rocket turretのkill数がカウントに反映されるバグを修正
- Medic Skills
- 「Protective Aura」
- キャラクターが死亡中に効果が現れないようになった
- ゾンビ
- Bloater/RegurgitatorsからスポーンしたWormが特殊効果を引き継ぐようになった
- ミッション
- Zombie Pods
- Minion Eggが割られた時にBoss EggのHPが正しく上昇するようになった(?)
- Last Stand
- ボスがプレイヤーを無視するバグを修正(完全に修正されたわけではない模様)
- Turrets
- 他のプレイヤーによって設置されたZeus turretの弾数が正しく表示されるようになった
- キャッシュ
- ブラックスクリーンバグを修正
- UI
- バグを修正
- ミッション
- V.I.P.&Zombie Pods
- イベントマップのスポーン地点の再配置を行った
Achievements: Event achievements added for NK players.
Bug Fix's
Zombie Pods: Entrance door now destroys itself after the appropriate amount of time.
Invulnerable: Fixed issue where players could start the game without a weapon equipped making them invulnerable.
Events: Reward tier fixes, Minor UI bugs fixed, Rewards should now be handed out appropriately.
MP Lobby: Fixed issues where NK accounts would display as Kong accounts after viewing their profile.
MP Mission Summary: Fixed bugs with viewing peoples profiles, where it would not open the correct profile.
Rockets: Rare bug fixed where rockets could crash the game.
Zombie Pods: Purge egg's scale their health with average player level, scaling more so for very high level players.
Zombie Pods: Boss Egg HP buff scaling with average player level, Minion eggs now damage Boss Egg once killed.
- Achievements
- イベント実績が追加された
- Bounty Hunter
- Carry-over Champion
- Champion
- Competitor
- Head Hunter
- I Am Dog
- I Am Legend
- Participant
- Zombie Pods
- エントランスのドアが一定時間後に自壊するようになった
- 武器を装備しないでゲーム開始した時に不死身になるバグを修正
- Events
- 報酬が適切に配られるようになった
- UIのマイナーバグを修正
- マルチプレイ
- ロビーでNKアカウントのプレイヤーのプロフィールを見たあとにKongアカウントのプレイヤーとして表示されるバグを修正
- ミッション結果画面でプロフィールが正しく表示されないバグを修正
- Rockets
- 稀にロケットがゲームをクラッシュさせるバグを修正
- 一部の破壊可能な障害物を持続ダメージで破壊した場合に、破壊音が鳴り響き続けるバグを修正。(表記無し)
- Zombie Pods
- Purge egg(Purge Nest?)のHPがプレイヤーの平均レベルによって増加するようになった
- Boss EggのHP buff(?)がプレイヤーの平均レベルによって増加するようになった
- Minion Eggを1つでも割るとBoss Eggがアクティブ化するようになった
New Features
Events! Launching the SAS4 events system starting with Alpha Virus!
Friending features: Friending via multiplayer lobby, Shows friends in event leaderboards.
Gear Inspection: Detailed multiplayer lobby gear inspection, Augments, Stats.
Added “”Replay with team”” button for multiplayer on the mission summary screen.
Cyro grenades & turrets will now stop elite zombies regenerating health when frozen.
Bug Fix's
Medic: Biocleanse bomb now working correctly.
VIP: Once found the VIP will now have a marker on the minimap.
VIP: Missing objects throughout VIP are now visible again.
Boss: Fixed insta-kill issue with Elite Devastators.
Environment: Added HP scaling on all secret doors based on average player levels.
Turrets: Zeus turret fixes/buffs - Fixed Ammo, All turrets now get the pierce, Ammo counter fix.
Turrets: HIKS Heavy Shot turret graphics fixed.
Optimization: DoT calculations are happening more efficiently.
Survivors: Physics fix in first room to avoid becoming stuck.
Loaderbots & Zombdroids: Can no longer be concussed while performing attacks.
Free $$: Fixed issues with the button being disabled when it should be enabled.
UI: Multiplayer revive bar now always aligns with players dead body.
Powerup: Fixed inconsistency with Tank powerup showing 10% when it was 20%
Guest: This feature is now working as intended for all users.
Dark Minion Zombies: Can no longer go through vaccine teleporters between stages.
Reduced movement speed for shotlite armour and some titan armor.
Reduced movement speed for fast movement skill.
Reduced movement speed mod for machine assisted armor augmentation.
Significantly Increased defense mod for fortified armor augmentation.
UI Updates: Daily Rewads/Multiplayer Game Notifications.
Armor augments affecting weapon damage now shows on weapons.
UI: Added an “”Are you sure?”” dialog when selling equipped items.
Respec: Prices have been reduced.
Overall game processing optimizations.
- イベントシステムを追加。
- Alpha Virusイベント
- Friending features: Friending via multiplayer lobby, Shows friends in event leaderboards.
- マルチプレイのロビーにおいて、武器/防具の強化項目がより詳細に確認可能になった
- マルチプレイ時、ミッション終了後に同メンバーでのマッチングが可能になった(ミッションはランダム)
- 特殊効果Regenerating持ちのゾンビがCryo Grenades/Ronson Cyrogenic Turretの攻撃による凍結中にRegenerating効果が停止する様になった
- Medic Skill「Biocleanse Bomb」のバグを修正。
- Bossに対してのMovement減少効果が適用。
- Zombiesが煙幕外に出てもMovementとResistant減少効果が適用されていたのを修正。
- ミッション
- V.I.P.
- VIPを発見後、VIPの現在位置がマーカーでHUDマップに表示されるようになった。
- Missing objects throughout VIP are now visible again.
- Survivors
- Physics fix in first room to avoid becoming stuck.
- ゾンビ
- Elite Devastatorの遠距離攻撃が即死攻撃になっていたのを修正。
- LoderbotsとZombdroidsがHeavy Skill「Concussion」の攻撃を受けてスタンした際、移動しなくなるバグを修正。(修正されていない)
- Dark Minion Zombies: Can no longer go through vaccine teleporters between stages.
- 破壊可能な扉のHPを上昇。プレイヤーの平均Lvによって増減。
- Turrets
- Zeus turret fixes/buffs - Fixed Ammo, All turrets now get the pierce, Ammo counter fix.
- HIKS Heavy Shot turretのグラフィックを修正
- Optimization: DoT(Damage over Time?)の計算がより効率的になった(?)
- Free $$のボタンが有効でなかったのを修正(?)
- UI
- マルチプレイで蘇生時間を示すバーがプレイヤーの死体上に常に表示されるようになった
- Mission Power-Ups
- inconsistencyとTankの表示を修正。
- Fixed inconsistency with Tank powerup showing 10% when it was 20%
- Guest: This feature is now working as intended for all users.
- Movement関連の下方修正
- 防具強化
- 「Machine Assisted」初期値「2%→1.5%」、上昇率「1%→0.7~0.8%」
- 防具のステータス「Movement Modifier」の初期値
- Rubicon Power Assist「15%→10%」、Rubicon Power Assist [RED]「20%→18%」
- Shotlite Hummingbird V1「3%→2%」、Shotlite Hummingbird V1 [RED]「3%→2%」
- Hummingbird P1 Shotlite「3%→2%」、Hummingbird P1 Shotlite[RED]「3%→2%」
- Titan MEM Sprint「8%→6%」
- Base Skill
- 「Fast Movement」上昇率「2%→1.5%」
- 防具強化「Fortified」、「Heat Resistant」、「Hazchem」の効果が大幅に上昇
- 防具強化の効果が、武器のステータスに反映される様に。
- 白字で初期値が表示される箇所が赤字で上書きされる。
- UI
- Daily Rewards/Multiplayer Game Notifications.
- 装備中のアイテムを売ろうとした時に“”Are you sure?”” ダイアログが表示されるようになった
- Respec: Prices have been reduced.
- Overall game processing optimizations.
- Zombdroid Soldierの遠距離攻撃アニメーションを変更。(未記載)
- Dark Minion がプレイヤーを貫通する。(未記載)
- Private Matchが実装
- SAS3同様の仕様、唯一違う点がステージを自由に選択可能
- Mission Power-Upsがミッション中にいつでも購入出来る様になった
- ゲストアカウントでもプレイ可能になった?
- ゲストアカウントのプレイデータをアカウント登録後引き継ぎ可能
- StoreでPromethium Strongbox x25が期間限定販売
- Zombie Mechに近接攻撃(電磁パルスで付近のプレイヤーを押し出す)が追加され、AIも強化された
- バグ修正
- ゾンビ
- Regurgitatorのゲロが修正。ゲロを直接吐きかけられると被ダメ増加?
- Poisoned Limb: Poison effect no longer left behind by disconnected players or Assault Team members.
- Store
- Fixed rare issue when processing a purchase from the store
- ミッション
- Lv 02 Vaccine
- 最終マップに入るまでは最終マップにあるStrongboxのマーカーは表示されなくなった
- Medic
- Can no longere continue to revive people after they disconnect from multiplayer.
- スキル
- Base Skill「Body Armour Expert」の効果が上方修正された
- SLv+1毎の上昇値「+5%→+7%」
- Base Skill「Field Supplies」
- Weapons with high damage ammo can no longer be reloaded when you do not have additional high damage ammo.
- Assault Skill「Assault Team」
- マルチモードで同時に召喚できるのが1プレイヤーのみになった
- Assault Skill「Stim Shot」
- 「残りHP」がBase Skill「Toughness」や「Body Fueling」の影響を受けるようになった
- Mission Power-UpsのDeep Freezeが削除され、一部の効果がTankに統合された
- Mission Power-UpsのZombie HunterとReaper削除され、一部の効果が新たな項目Killing Machineに統合された
- Mission Power-UpsのHeavy Ordnanceが削除された(未記載)
- Storeの各色のCombo Pack削除され、Elite Starter Pack、Dominator's SAS Pack、Fast track Champion Packが追加された
- 特殊効果が付与された(=エリート)雑魚敵の与ダメが僅かに減少
- 特殊効果が付与された(=エリート)ボスのHP、与ダメ、ステータスの特殊効果による増加分が減少
- Spitterの近接攻撃の攻撃間隔が増加(=攻撃速度が遅くなった)
- Spitterの近接攻撃の与ダメが減少
- StoreのDefense Contracgtが削除され、War Powers Provisioningが追加された
- Sniper RifleのHornetがまたSemi Autoに戻った
- Daily Rewards機能の実装 ※
- マルチプレイモードのMission Power-Upsの効果の内、強化系の効果が微量だが他のプレイヤーにも適用されるようになった(重複可) ※
- 特殊効果が付与された敵は「Elite」となり、さらにボスにも特殊効果が付与されるようになった。 ※
- 特殊効果「Extra strong」と「Berserk」が付与されたSpitterの吐瀉物攻撃(吐きかけるのと床に残存したもの)の威力が減少
- Ammo switch reload bug fixed - HD Ammo now doesn't cause reload when transitioning to regular ammo
- Stripperの同時発射数が減少した(?) ただしdps(damage per second)は上昇
- Zombie Podsのボス部屋でボス部屋入口に巻き戻しされるバグが改善(?)
- Dayly Rewardsの2日目の報酬がMolybdenumに変更された
- Daily Rewards機能の実装
- マルチプレイモードのMission Power-Upsの効果の内、強化系の効果が微量だが他のプレイヤーにも適用されるようになった(重複可)
- 特殊効果が付与された敵は「Elite」となり、さらにボスにも特殊効果が付与されるようになった。
- Assault Rifleに新武器Raptorが追加された。
- ステージ内で弾薬を購入する際、ホールドすると連続購入が可能になった
- 味方プレイヤーのステータスの表示内容が追加
- そのプレイヤーが購入しているMission Power-Ups、所属クラン
- マルチプレイのリザルト画面で、各プレイヤーが入手した武器と防具の中でそれぞれ最もレア度の高いものが自動で発言されるようになった
- Fixed Assault Team deaths reseting the end game death timer
- Fixed stacking Aerial Bombardments
- Adrenaline使用時の攻撃速度を修正(どう修正したのか不明)
- Lv 04 Zombie Podsで最初のZombie Nestを破壊しなければならなくなった(確認済み)
- 強化弾を手に入れた場合、通常弾は0になりリロードが必要になった(バグ多数。通常弾が0になってリロードが必要になるのは意図した仕様ではないかもしれない)
- その代り今までPremium Ammo Crateを取得し強化弾を手に入れた時持っていた武器以外はリロードが必要だったが、リロードをしなくても強化弾が入っている状態になった
- ランダムドロップでMedpackが出現した際、HUDマップでピンク色の点で表示されるようになった
- 今までランダムドロップのMedpackは緑色の点で表示されていた
- Semi Autoを連射する際クリックする間隔が変化。おそらく連射性が向上(Rate of Fireの数値は変化なし)
- Hornetの攻撃速度が下方修正された
- Supermarineの貫通力が2.0に修正された
- Premium Ammo buff fixed
- Low Quality graphics fix's to VIP and Power Out
- Fixed Power Out desyncing on doors desyncing on doors
- キャラクターを新規で作成した際、最初にプレイするステージは必ずOnslaughtになる
- Support装備のTemporary枠が実装
- MedkitとPremium Ammoがドロップするようになった
- Nantonium(8) boxからは必ず3スロットの武器か2スロットの防具が出現するようになった
- Nantonium(8) boxから出現する装備の出現テーブルがより良質のものになった
- Fiery skinが付与された敵の攻撃が「物理75%+追加で熱75%」になった?
- 以前は「熱のみ150%」だった?
- 地面の酸液に触れると3秒間の持続ダメージを付与され、触れている間はその威力が150%になり、持続ダメージのカウントがリセットされるようになった?
- 以前は「触れている間のみ毎秒200%の酸ダメージ」だった
- Poison limbsが付与された敵の攻撃が「3秒間の威力100%の酸属性の持続ダメージ」になった?
- 以前は「3秒間の威力150%の酸属性の持続ダメージ」だった?
- Wicker、Necrosisの分身(火)とFiery Skinが付与された敵の攻撃が「物理50%+熱50% &2秒間20%の熱属性の持続ダメージ」になった?
- Medic skill「Revive」の性能が変化。
- 蘇生されたプレイヤーの復活時のHPが上昇するようになった。上昇量はSLvが高いほど大きい。
- 他プレイヤーのMedicと効果が重複するようになった。2人以上のMedicが同時に「Revive」するとより速く蘇生し、復活時のHPもより高くなる
- 蘇生時間の短縮効果が下方修正された。
- Heavy skill「Brute Strength」の性能が変化。触れた敵にダメージを与えるようになった?
- 蘇生ゲージの表示が修正された
- 以前は「Revive」スキルを持つMedicが複数触れると表示がおかしくなっていた模様
- Medicが途中退出しても「Revive」と「Protective Aura」の効果が残っていたバグを修正?
- Strongbox loot on Vaccine now not revealed from miles away by the minimap.
- Ronson Cyrogenic Turretsが凍結/減速していない敵のみを狙うようになった
- 蘇生時のHPが最大HPの30%から25%に下方修正された
- Insta-turning Shielders fixed
- Train doors now lock behind you correctly as you walk through them
- Players who somehow don't make it on the train can now re-enter the train and be placed with their teammates
- Survivors map changed so the players must clear a majority of the zombies before proceeding to the Evac Zone
- Fixed enemies on Survivors that get stuck walking into walls
- HUDマップの範囲外にあるStrongboxの方向に黄色いマーカーが表示されるようになった
- 単品購入が出来ないTurret4種の通常版の売却価格が$800/1個に下方修正された。RED版ももちろん5倍の$4000/1個。
- Turretの残弾数が表示されるようになった
- 新しいキャラクターを作成した場合、最初に拾ったStrongboxからは必ず武器が出現するようになった
- Mission Power-Upsの「High roller」の効果が変化。
- 「ランクの高いStrongboxが出現しやすくなる」から「出現するはずだったものより1ランク高いものが出現する」に変化。
- マルチモードの戦績履歴(Game数/クリア数/クリア失敗数/撃破数/死亡数)がちゃんと表示されるようになった
- 武器の特殊効果「Enlarged」の効果が上昇修正された
- Medic Skill「Medkit」のSLvの上昇による回復量の増加量が上方修正された(未記載)
- Pre-game power ups
- [RED]版のSupport装備の実装
- ロビーでマッチングが決まった後、「Building」のゲージが表示されるようになった
- Various bug fixed
- Lv 03 Survivorsのバリケードをプレイヤーの攻撃で破壊できなくなった(未記載)
- Multiplayer performance - updated physics objects so enemiees don't teleport
- Increased level of damage resistance for low level characters to increase survivability
- Added damage resistance to remaining players in multi-player games when team members drop out to offset the increased difficulty
- Various bug fixed
- Support装備を所持限界数以上に拾えなくなった(未記載)
- オープンβ開始
349年まえ ID:j5arcoys最近翻訳文が乗ってないあたりここのやる気が無くなってきてるのが分かる
3310年まえ ID:sivt3yxzサンタうpででエネルギー系がシールドを貫通しなくなるサイレント修正が入った。
3210年まえ ID:djekj865v.i.p面のvipがサンタの格好になっています。なんかboxも普段よりいっぱい出ますw
3110年まえ ID:sivt3yxz12/12 Tombsonの弾数、連鎖系の挙動等修正入りました。
3010年まえ ID:sivt3yxzDisk Thrower
|Semi Auto|Physical|400.0|5.0|5.0|48|3.0|-30.0|
2910年まえ ID:q8a3crjl2014/12/10のパッチによる武器のBuffですが、
2810年まえ ID:sivt3yxzとりあえず火炎放射器の銃口を押し付ければPodsの最初の壁もEggの見えない壁もシールダーの盾も貫通することが分かった。別件だがエネルギーはシールドを貫通しやすい? ゾンビゲーでお馴染みのディスクスロワー実装。貫通と反射があるので連鎖武器に近い運用が可能(いろんな面で連鎖武器を超えている)。Podsの通路では極めて強い。
2710年まえ ID:oldg5acw新しい武器が出たみたいですね
2610年まえ ID:sivt3yxz12/10 火炎放射の射程が伸びて敵を貫通するようになった。Podsの最初の壁も貫通するしEgg破壊もできるようになったとレポートに書いてあるしますますPodsでヒャッハー! かと思ったが相変わらずEggにダメージが与えられない(これはバグじゃないか)ネストは今まで以上の効率で破壊できるがな。ちなみにシールド貫通できなくなってシールダーへのアドバンテージもなくなった(これはシールドの仕様変更に書いてある)
2510年まえ ID:ar7uhmpsもう一度試したらツボは破壊できるように再修正されていました。